Seeing defined quadricep muscles


You would think that with lifting weights and aerobic exercise, I would see more definition in the quadricep area because I'm always using my legs. They are lean but I'm wondering what is the key for quad definition? Is it just incredibly low bodyfat? I know you don't have to have a huge quad muscle because I've seen small women with great definition. Does anyone have any thoughts?
Cut back on the cardio and focus on heavy weight days for the legs - I got the best results from a combination of Butts & Guts leg blast premix and Gym Style Legs. Low body fat helps, but despite being overweight I still got some good definition, and even a nice "teardrop" muscle for my trouble. :)
I've been working legs twice a week for almost 2 months now. Once a week as heavy as I can and the other is a premix of B&G. I am starting to see more definition. But to answer your question, I think lower BF% is key to seeing good definition in any muscle. If you are like most women, (not saying you are, cause I don't know ;) ) leaning out the lower body is the hardest thing to do. Also don't forget about eating super clean!!

Thank you very much ladies for your suggestions. I may just give those ideas a try. I wonder to, if leaning out that area is just easier for some ladies, genetically speaking.
This spring I added cycling to my exercise regime, 2 rides/week for anywhere between 60 and 90 minutes. I did it to save my joints from too much running and have been pleased as punch for what it has done for the appearance of my legs. My quad definition has really improved, vastus lateralis especially (outside of the thigh) and the nice little dip just above my knee where 2 of the quad muscles diverge. I am loving cycling for so many reasons, greater leg strength which translates to improved running, less need for squats and lunges;-), but you've got to be riding some challenging hills for it to count as a leg workout:)

Take Care

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