See you on the flip side

L Sass

Okay here goes. I'm signing off for the next 2 weeks. I started last April (when I stopped nursing my last baby) to seriously work on body reshaping through food and exercise (I've been a Firmie for 15 years). I'm 41, 5'4" and weighed 160 then. Since October I've been at 130 and I want to drop 10 more pounds.

I discovered Cathe just before Xmas time and fell in love with her workouts. I've also followed the principles of BFL, the Abs Diet, increased proptein, etc. But those last 10 are not moving - so I need something more. Starting tomorrow I'm going to do David Kirsch's New York Body Plan. Anyone heard anything about it? It looks pretty intense in terms of calorie reduction and exercise - but you follow his workout routine. And he's got some wild moves. (Eg a platypus walk where you hold an 8-lb medicine ball above your head, come down into a plie squat and walk forward and backward the length of a large room. OUCH!)

I know if I stay on this site I'll begin to cry for my Cathe workouts and be inclined to insert hers instead of his. But if I force myself not to read and get invloved with all of your wonderful posts and helpful info I'll be more inclined to strictly adhere to his program. (I REALLY WANT TO DROP THIS LAST 10)

So I'm thinking of this as two weeks at a fat farm (ok - a "weight loss spa" :))where I just have to focus. I'm going to monitor this site through today and then not come back on until Monday the 31st. I'm hoping to break through this plateau and get things moving again. And my wonderful DH has volunteered to do the food portion with me (he's not really an exercise buff).

Sorry this is so long - but I wanted to thank you all for gearing me up to do something to get me where I need to go. You guys are awesome. :D


Take all the time you need. I'm glad that you are making your health a priority. Pop in when you can.

We'll miss you but sending you good,positive, "you can do it!" vibes through cyber space.

Look forward to hearing ALL when you return



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