Hi Lynda,
Here is an information packet about it. You may want to check out the National Heart Lungs and Blood Institute, a lot of times they'll have contact information for support groups etc. Which will allow you to talk to others who have the same thing, and see how they get around it, and do the things that they want to do.
Here is the info, you'll need acrobat reader if you want to read it for free. Acrobat is free.
the National Heart, Lungs and Blood web page is here:
here is a website by a doctor who is also interested in this disease.
and here is a search page, that I just did that should give you some more links
Make sure you copy the whole URL for that one.
Hope that helps and I'm really sorry about you having sarcoidosis, but I hope you find a way to manage it and have a normal life. I have two autoimmune diseases Lupus and S’jogren's and it's up and down, a lot. For mine, I've found diet and exercise play a huge role, I skip a workout, or eat badly for a day, and I'm in bed the next day.
But do shop around and find the best doctor you can that listens to you. And make sure they are familiar with your disease, because if they aren’t they won’t be able to really help you much. It will be trial and error and you really don’t want to be a guinea pig right at this moment, you’ll end up being one anyway, but at least get the basics covered before you let them experiment. As there will be a lot if time, you’ll be offered an experimental treatment that only works for ¼ of the people who have what you have. Sometimes your in that ¼ and sometimes your not. If you are, you might find something that really works for you.
Good luck,