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I have a question in regards to the best way to get rid of (or at least tone up) my saddlebags. I workout every morning usually doing cardio. In the afternoons about three times per week I do weights. I tend to lay off the legs because I tend to bulk up if I go too heavy on weights on lower body. I do kickboxing at least 2-3 times per week and do step the other days. I occasionally go for walks as well. I feel like I'm in pretty good shape and look okay in my clothes but I'm not loving my "back end" in my swimsuit this summer. Any suggestions to help me out would be greatly appreciated. Oh-and I eat pretty good most days. I try to stay within my Weight Watchers points most days of the week.
Well I am not Cathe but I have been seeing some changes in my lower body, saddlebags. I think my diet has alot to do with it and I follow Eat to Live by Joel Fuhrman.

I do sculpting with weights at least twice per week and work on my outer and inner thighs with ball squeezes and leg lifts plus squats and lunges (with lighter weights). I have a cycle class once per week. I do kick box once per week and it is really a sculpting class in itself. I also do 2 or more yoga sessions per week, one of which is power yoga. I also do a cardio sculpt class and step and abs class. I try to get a rest day in during the week.

I feel that step aerobics was not helpful in losing weight in my lower body so I only do it at most 2 times per week.

Good luck!
I have always had saddlebags and had decided to just live with it. That is, until I started doing Gym Style Legs, Kick Max, and Low Max. For about 3 months I did those 3 workouts once a week in a rotation and for the first time I no longer need relaxed fit jeans. I'm 43 yo and have never had results like I got when doing those workouts. I stopped them for a while and my lower body went back its previous shape. I have just started adding these workouts back in again and I'm sure I'll see the same results as before. I couldn't believe the difference. Almost all my shorts that I had been wearing for like 5 years were all of a sudden too big through the butt and legs. And I was wearing jeans that I could not fit into 5 years ago. My rotation looked something like this.

Sunday - Kick Max
Monday - Gym Style Back, Shoulders, Biceps
Tuesday - Low Max
Wednesday - Gym Style Chest and Triceps
Thursday - 60 minute cardio of choice
Friday - Gym Style Legs

Plus I would walk 1 mile at a leisurely pace every afternoon. I'm a medical transcriptionist and really need that walking in the afternoon to get the blood flowing after sitting all day.

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