Sabotaging weight loss efforts.


:( Have any of you ever had this problem? My co-workers are always bringing in donuts, eating feasts etc. The other day they asked me three times if I wanted a donut, so for the sake of being polite I took one and put it in my desk to give to my daughter. Today, they are having a feast for lunch just for the sake of it. One of my co-workers loves to cook, and believe me you can tell by looking at her, and I feel she is jealous because I am in shape:9 She always makes comments when I go for a noon walk and says I do not need to walk:) Do you think they are trying to sabotage my new self?:(
Yup :) Sure do. Whether intentionally or not (and I believe it is usually intentional) they are trying to hurt your efforts. My family used to be that way - not really my immediate family, but a couple of cousins and their families. They have the worst of American lifestyles and it truly shows. They mocked my exercise, my trying to eat well, the fact that I don't drink every day, always tried to stuff food down my throat.... UNTIL some of them became interested in losing weight, and then all of a sudden their tune changed, and everything they criticized about me suddenly became so cool :) It is actually easier for me to stay in control when people are trying to sabatoge me, just for the sake of being stubborn and proving that I am better than that }( You could start trying to force carrot sticks down their throats and see how appreciative they are :) Hang in there. Feel good knowing that you look SO good that you are provoking jealousy :) and don't worry about being polite and taking their food if you don't want it... they aren't being polite by being so insistant.

:D :D :D
It could very well be that your co-workers are threatened by your healthy lifestyle habits (and by the visible results of it!) and the uncomfortable mirror you unwittingly hold up to their own. I get a lot of comments at work as well; I'll never forget the time when my only male co-worker (who is seriously weirded out by the fact that I have great musculature especially in the upper body) offered me a piece of really loaded cheesecake which I politely declined, and he said, "Oh, don't be such a . . . (fumbling for a word) SKINNY!"

Just stick to your guns and develop the ducklike talent of letting it roll off your back. You'll never be rid of it. And obviously keep participating here, where the participants share your values.

Yes they most certainly are trying (& I said trying) to sabotage you. PLEASE don't give in to them. Keep on doing your walk at lunchtime. Say "NO" emphatically to their disgusting donuts & make a face when you look at the donut. I too had a problem w/my co-workers until we had a special luncheon in the conference room & one of them asked my age. When I told them my age their eyes bugged out!! They couldn't believe how YOUNG I looked for my age. I told them exercise & eating right does WONDERS for you. You all should try it. I've converted most of them. Hee hee! Keep talking about how wonderful you feel due to exercising; hopefully one of these days it'll catch on. Good luck! Kathy:7
I agree with A-Jock

I think the co-workers are threatened, and don't want to consider the fact that they are eating too much. I have the same problem at my job. We have many special lunches (meatball sub day, chili-dog day, ice cream day...), and I stay away. Noone truly wants to sabotage my efforts, but I think it makes them uncomfortable if I obviously refuse the food because they feel bad about themselves.. I try to discreetly avoid the kitchen during those times.

I don't think they are jealous, or trying to make you fat. They are trying to make themselves feel better. Don't rub it into their faces! Just politely refuse and avoid the situation as much as possible.

I have found that if you are relatively healthy and exercise regularly people tend to blow it out of proportion. At my work, because I exercise at lunch, people think I am an absolute fanatic. I make protein shakes with fruit and yogurt and you would swear they don't even know what that is!!! But I just love how they all seem to act like you are at home 24/7 nibbling on carrot sticks and granola. I just laugh it off when they make comments on how skinny I can stay and eat so much. I always comment that I eat my good food at work and my bad food at home. Then I usually elaborate to tell them how many pieces of pizza I had or how many chicken wings I inhaled. OOOHHH boy, that really gets em' going cuz then they wonder why they don't stay as skinny as me (and, of course, all of us here know why). It just doesn't take as much effort as people think to stay healthy and fit. Too bad cuz maybe more people would do it if they didn't look at it like it was torture!!!

Seriously Lisa,

You should just smile and say, "Well, I would have one, but I ate two of those things yesterday and I am really sick of em' now". OR, "Yeah, Sunday morning we went out and I downed three jelly filleds, so I'll pass". Don't act so "scared" of the food and they won't push so much. I have found that to be effective for me. Sometimes we go out for lunch at my work and the women will eat about half their entree and just CRY for the rest of the day how full they are. I'll eat all of mine and go, "Well, if you overate more often, you wouldn't be so uncomfortable". It's funny. Not good for me to eat all of mine, but it just frosts their #$% that I can and stay thin...hee hee....we have the secret weapon!!!

:) Thanks for the advise ladies and Janice I will try some of your suggestions. Hopefully that might quiet them down. They act like I am not part of the group or I am insulting them when I do not eat when I do not want to:) Oh, and thanks for the photo picture gallery! Great pictures!;-)
These workplace pinheads are jealous because you have the self-control that they DON'T have. It's their choice to eat that junk, and it's your choice not to.

It's none of their business what you eat, and you can let them know that. You could say, "You can put my efforts down all you want, but I'm not changing my good habits to make you feel better. Excuse me while I take a walk, and YOU, my dear can take a hike!"

Just Do It! :)
I am wondering if we work at the same place? My coworkers all do that crap to me. I just tell them flat out, that I am on a diet. After telling one of my coworkers I was on a diet, guess what he did? He went out to the ice cream shop and bought me a chocolate milkshake! ACK! I found another fat coworker to give it too though. I have a locker at my work that I keep tuna fish, fruit, protein bars and shakes in. Next time they offer you a donut, say "No thanks, want a can of tuna?" Watch their face snarl up! Or maybe you could bring in a veggie tray or something when they do their feasts at work. But I usually just offer them a can of tuna or a protein bar. They will get the hint soon enough. Good Luck!
I know many of you are not as rude as I am, but one thing I have said several times in this situation is "Nothing tastes as good as being thin feels."
I know it's not that original, but it is a showstopper. No one has ever said anything after that.
This very topic was on Dr. Phil last night! Anyone watch it?

His view was that if some people think they're on a lower level and you're on a higher, they try to make it even by bringing you down to their level. This makes them feel better about themselves.

I think that in all cultures, the sharing of food and drink is a show of friendship and kinsmanship. Food is a part of our celebration of life -- this is why we all overindulge at Christmas, Thanksgiving, etc. And when you're not breaking bread with someone, they feel insulted that you are not sharing with them, that you are an outsider, and therefore a threat.

Perhaps if you sat down to dine with your co-workers and ate your own food, they wouldn't feel so bad? You could just tell them you just feel better with you eat nutritious food. If you're like me, you get bad food "hangovers". I know when I eat too many starchy carbs, I feel like crap after.


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