The details...
1- did you change your diet? Not really, I eat pretty clean throughout the week and usually relax a little on the weekend... not all out though. I try to eat the 6 meals with protein and complex carbs at every meal. I have celiac disease so I can't eat wheat (gluten) and have to avoid dairy as well. So that helps with the treat avoidance.
2- why did you do Meso 2 twice? And how? Did you start it over again as soon as it was over? Curious... I did Meso 2 twice because it was always my intention to do the 6 month rotation. I had to take holidays 4 weeks after starting Meso 1 so it just made sense to only do it for 4 weeks then move onto meso 2. I did Meso 2 as follows W1, Disc 1, 2, 3 (of that meso) W2 Disc 1,2,3 then W3 Disc 4,5,6 and then W4 Disc 4,5,6. I really liked doing that way as I got to really know what to expect. Next time round I will do Meso 1 twice as well. Once I got to Meso 3 I felt that I did not want to strength for 2 months. As well after Meso 2 I was pretty exhausted.
3 - did you do plyo legs or squat rack? I did squat rack legs. Next time I'll do Plyo. I have been doing just the plyo parts for added cardio and they are really fun.
Prior to STS I was running 6km 4 times a week and doing a some Jari Love videos and a routine that was in Oxygen mag. During STS I would do 1 hour cardio on none STS days with an ab routine tacked on and maybe 20 minutes more cardio on the STS day if I had time or energy (usually only on the upper days) and of course a rest day.
hope that helps!