S&H for 3 weeks?


I just got the S&H DVDs (definately glad I got DVDs!). Cathe mentions you should just do them for short rotations, like 3 weeks, since you need focus. This is only doing the videos a total of 3x's.

Is this enough to start seeing results? I want to see some definition- I have somewhat thin arms, but they're not really defined (unless I flex in odd positions, but I don't usually do that in public:))

I also have MIS, PS, and access to weight machines.
Hi Sugar23,
I usually do 3 weeks of S&H, that's about all I can do, I get bored fast. Then I follow it with 6 weeks of endurance tapes like CTX series or Power Hour (you could use MIS), then I go back to S&H again. I have found that the S&H has really given me strength and the CTX weight portions have really shaped my muscles, I can really see the "V" shape in my arms. Good luck, Amy Jo
Hi sugar23,
I'm clearly not Cathe, but I'll tell you what I did and saw wonderful results.
I did S&H for 4 weeks, each tape once per week, and added MIS so that I worked each body part 2x/week. With both videos, I lifted as heavy as I possibly could without sacrificing good form, and by the end of the 4 weeks, I had definition that I could see in areas that previously had little to no definition.
Now~this is what worked for me, but we're all different, but considering I'm still having to lower my body fat in order to see the definition, I figure if your arms are already slender, you may have even better results. Hope I helped :)
Amy Jo,

I'm curious, are you saying that CTX shaped your arms more than S&H. I was thinking that S&H would give you more definition, please share your thoughts on this. I sometimes put each CTX body part with the same body part from PS, MIS and maybe something else, and have each tape lined up and ready to go,which gives me about 30 mins per body part, just for a change.
Yes, I have to say that the CTX seemed to give me the definition I wanted. My family commented on my shapely arms and I believe it was from the rotations with CTX. I know that everybody responds differently to weight lifting and I have done PS rotations, S&H and the CTX seemed to work for me. When I do CTX rotations, about every other week I would throw in Power Hour, just to hit my muscles twice. Amy Jo
For me personally, doing strength workouts (S&H, PS, etc) give me strength, but endurance workouts (Body Max, Power Hour, CTX) give me definition. But I think that doing both types of lifting is the key.
I personally prefer to do S&H in shorter rotation cycles because I have trouble maintaining the necessary level of concentration for more than three weeks. When you do the tapes you'll find them to be mentally as well as physically demanding!

My personal experience was that I made definite strength gains over the course of the three weeks, most significantly in a couple of trouble areas (posterior delts and biceps). I think I may also have increased my muscle mass a bit. But I don't think I really saw the difference in my body until I went back to doing endurance workouts. What I'm trying to say is, I think S&H played a big part in giving me more shapely, defined arms, but it wasn't an immediate gratification kind of thing and it took more than just S&H-style training to give me the results I was after.

I'm starting my 3rd week of S&H and find that I'm not even close to feeling like I want to stop!

:) Stacy
LOVE S&H - I stopped at week 4. It was really tough to stop there. I got great results gained definition and strength.

I love lifting anyhow so this is a favorite for me (especially legs and shoulders).

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