

Hi all;

I was just checking out Ryka shoes on the internet and I was wondering if anyone knows why the company isn't making the Enlight II anymore?? I just got my first pair of Enlights a few months ago and they are absolutely the best aerobics shoes I've ever owned.

Did they just replace them with the Engage Instructor, or what? From what I can tell, the Enlights are super-popular but you can't buy them through Ryka or Zappos or a brick-and-mortar store, you can only find them as closeouts or on eBay. What gives?

It seems that if anyone from the Ryka company stopped by this forum, they'd put them back in production! Any thoughts?

Hi DebbieH! I got mine (if you recall us talking about it a while back).. I LOVE THEM!!! I ordered 2 more pair and they gave them too me for the same price as I bought the first pair!!! $34.95:D I think they are now $41.95. Still, that's an awesome price. And I love Sierra Trading Post, fast service and super nice people!

Wow, that is great! Not to mention $34.95/pair! I love them too, they just fit my foot so well. I just ordered a low cut pair of Ryka Intensity Cross Training Shoes - Nitracels...I hope I like them just as much. Take a peek! :7



Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie") http://www.clicksmilies.com/s0105/aktion/action-smiley-066.gif[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance, I Hope You DANCE!
RE: Tina!

Hi Debbie! I saw these..I almost ordered a pair of them too.I love the blue on them! Let me know if they feel good and if the sizing is pretty true to the EnlightII.

I'll be waiting.........:7

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