Ryka shoes in the UK?

Cheshire Cat

I hate to say it but I'm an advertisers dream come true. I want some Ryka's but can't find them in the UK. Do any fellow brits know where I can get hold of them?
Hello Cheshire Cat
Sorry I cannot help but I too would love a pair of these, I will keep a lookout when I next go shopping and if I do manage to see them will let you know.
Good Luck
Hi Cheshire Cat,

There was a UK Ryka distributor, who's address, phone number, and e-mail can be found through the official Ryka website (e-mail Ryka for details)).


The distributor has lists of UK outlets where they can be bought. They sent me details of the Ryka shoes they have, but I think they may be a touch behind the US and they are very expensive.....£80 - £100's !!!! Not at all like the excellent prices you can get in the US ($30-$40's) x(

You can now order from Ryka's web site if you are outside of the US/Canada, though I am not sure how hefty the shipping will be ? :eek: And, Ryka sizes are a tad on the small size too. I am not sure how many sizes you should go above your own size. Maybe one of US Cathe friends could help out here ? :)

I have also seen Ryka available on the following web site,


They sell second Ryka's, but they seem to have few sizes (look under sports shoes).

Hope this helps !

Anna :)

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