Ryka Enlight II and the hunt for the best step shoe!

Muffin Top

I've wasted way too much money on shoes for working out. I haven't called Ryka directly for the Enlight II's because I don't want to fall in love with a discontinued shoe. How many people need to call them before they get the hint that maybe they shouldn't discontinue them?:eek:
So, my latest was the Reebok Freestyle which has excellent arch support and cushion, but lacks a bit in the sole--I feel like I'm going to tip over sometimes!:eek: Before that, I had the Ryka Circuit XT's and Affirms which wore out too fast and pinched my pinky toes.

So, does anyone know of a great shoe for step besides the Enlight II's or should we just start a petition for Ryka?
I don't understand why they are discontinuing it either. I know they want to come out with new shoes like other companies do but why do companies mess up a good thing. The come out with crappy shoes instead of taking a good one and making it better. Say more cushioning or different styles, but why keep making shoes that most people don't like or want. I don't get it. The would probably make more money if they just stuck with what works. Enough of my little rant!!!:+
Yeah, after wearing my Enlight II's for 18 months it was time to replace them. I got the Avia 681's and love them--probably even more than the Rykas! Read the reviews on Zappos.com--all true. They were $64, free shipping. I'm very happy I found them.
I just started wearing my second pair of Ryka Enlight II that I had horded away so once these get old, I may have to try out those Avia's. And through Zappos, if I don't like them I can send them back and not have paid a penny. Thanks for the tip about those shoes. I've been wondering who else makes aerobics shoes besides Ryka.

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