Ruptured disc


Just found out I have two ruptured disc ( the last two). I'm not sure when I will be able to do impact again - if ever -.

Can someone tell me where to get the best deal on a bun and thigh rocker? Also, has anyone ever tried the Gazell Elite? I need something to give me a "heart pumping" "sweat dripping" workout!!

Any one else have this kind of back problem? Any advice would be appreciated!

Hi Susan,
Im very sorry to hear about your back--My best friend has had 4 back surgeries in the last two years, so I can kinda sympathize with you.

I would think maybe ebay would be a good place to start for bargin thigh rockers.

Good luck to you, and take care
Happy Holidays
I used to have something similar called a Health Walker, I believe. I got a good workout on it, but I really worked hard, too.

I would try e-bay for this one, too. I got my Bun & Thigh Rocker on there, and a Total Trainer, which is like a Total Gym, only better and cheaper. I LUV e-bay!

Just Do It! :)

Really sorry for your predicament. How did you do that if you do not mind me asking? Did you just wake up with it??

I went into your profile and read it and was laughing out loud when you say people finally quit asking if you needed a ride when you jogged. My husband is from a small town in MO and when I visisted last I went running from one town to the other (approx 10 miles both ways) and the whole time people were stopping and asking if I needed a ride. The whole time I had to wave to poeple on the road (which is really weird for me since I am from Phoenix). One person even called his parents' house to see what in the heck I was doing out there :)

I am going to get a Bun and Thigh Rocker for X-mas (from myself, of course). However, it is third in line behind the Timex GPS watch and a weighted vest, but do a search for it here. Someone mentioned not too long ago that you can get it somewhere for 39.99...

I would never pay more than 50.00 for it....

Thanks to all for the advice!

Janice, only in a small town! I had to laugh at your experience. Where in Mo were you? I have paved the way for other joggers around here. People are used to it now. I'm afraid I won't be running down back roads any more.

The Neuroligist said the ruptured disc could be from injury or age (I'm only 37). I haven't had any recent injuries. About 5 years ago I was playing basket ball and while jumping my feet completely came out from under me and I landed full force on my back side. I'm sure that didn't help my back. I'm thinking its been a combitation of things I've done over the years. Growing up on a farm I have always lifted heavy things. I could throw a 50 lb bale on to a truck with out much trouble and put a 50lb sack of feed on my shoulder to carry (I was doing this at 12yr. probably not a smart thing). Now a piece of one disc has broken off and is resting on my sciatic nerve. Not fun!

I'm going to check out e-bay. I just now thought of Play it Again Sports. We have one not too far from me.

Thanks again!


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