Ruptured disc


Just found out I have two ruptured disc ( the last two). I'm not sure when I will be able to do impact again - if ever -.

Can someone tell me where to get the best deal on a bun and thigh rocker? Also, has anyone ever tried the Gazell Elite? I need something to give me a "heart pumping" "sweat dripping" workout!!

Any one else have this kind of back problem? Any advice would be appreciated!

Hiya Susie,

Sorry to hear about your malady but, I hope that you're able to go back to doing hi/lo impact stuff. Unfortunately, I don't have any advice concerning back problems. But I did want to say that the Tony Little Gazelle is a waste of money my girlfriend got one and she hated it. I told her to send it back because she ordered it off the infomerical with the 30 day guarantee. It has these handles that you're suppose to hold onto while you walk back and forth. However, the handles do all the work she didn't feel anything in her legs nor did she get her heart rate up enough for it to provide any aerobic benifits. Just thought I'd warn you before you plopped down any cash for it. I however, do own a Bun & Thigh Rocker and that is worth every penny. I ordered mine from the for $159 of course this was back at the beginning of the year but I did see wonderful results when I was using it on a daily basis before I slacked off and fell off the workout wagon. You definitely feel it in your legs afterwards and there is no impact so it would be perfect while you recover. Hope this helps


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