I know some of you ladies run w/ your pets, so I am looking for advice here. I'd like to have Vlad start running w/ me. I normally run about 5 or 5.5 miles once or twice a week. It takes about an hour, I am the world's slowest runner!! Vlad is old enough now that I have the vet's ok for him to start going with me. He is a shep/rott mix and they are prone to hip probs so the vet had me wait. He is an active dog - at least 1, sometimes 2 long walks a day, plenty of fetch ball, rope tugs, and kitty cat bothering. For now, we'll just run a block or 2 in the middle of a walk. I tell him to "go, dog, go" and he gets a big silly doggie grin and goes. He loves it. He's not too fond of the "stop, dog, stop" Now my run is his fast trot. I have to be sprinting for him to actually be running. Like I said, I'm slow. My question is - how to work him up to any kind of distance? I would think the same way I did it for myself - slow and steady increases? I wouldn't expect a human to just all of sudden get up and run 5 miles, I know it didn't work that way for me. How did all of you work up your pets to being able to go any kind of distance? He's young and healthy - about 16 months old, but I don't want too much too fast, and I certainly don't want to carry him home, he's heavy!