Running and videos


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I have through trial and error found that the absolute only thing that enables me to lose weight and keep it off is to run. To me , nothing else I have ever tried has been close to the feeling I get after a good long run. Can anyone suggest ANY tapes that have worked for them? With winter here, I am going crazy!!
Hi -

I understand what you are saying.. its tough to beat that "runner's high!"

If you are comfortable with step workouts, I would suggest Imax 1 and Imax 2. They are interval step workouts that are extremely challenging. I run 2-3x/week and have found that these workouts are the closest to the cardio challenge one would get in a run.

Are you looking for cardio workouts only, or would doing a circuit workout interest you? Cathe has some great ( and challenging ) circuit training workouts that will really test your endurance as well.

Take care, Lynn M.
MIC is a pretty good substitute for running too. And Circuit Max. I just did that one today. Very good cardio.
Circuit Max
Imax 2
CTX can mimic a 2mile run for me.
Those were pretty much wait, Body Max!!!

I like these because they go right into the workout. Not a lot of turning or mamboing around. Just solid cardio...CTX Power Circuit and Step and Intervals are pretty good for short ones. I've lost my attention span for choreography since I met the treadmill. Just give me the CARDIO now.
I run 2 - 3 times per week, mostly on the treadmill this time of year. Like you, the only thing that really seems to get the fat off is running combined with strength training. I usually cross train with Imax and Imax2. I have used both of these workouts in place of speed work when preparing for a race. I hate to do sprint work on a track, so both Imax workouts were fairly good substitutes.

Occasionally I will throw in some kickboxing, just to really get the effect of cross training, but my long-term rotation looks something like this (depending on if I am trainign for a race):

Mon: Run 5 miles plus abs
Tues: Imax or Imax 2
Wed: L&G and PUB
Thur: Off
Fri: Run 5 miles plus abs
Sat: Run 5 miles or other cardio
Sun: ME

This is what has worked for me for quite a while and I am too scared to change my rotation.

Best of Luck,


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