Runners Mother's Day Check in 5-14


Happy Mother's Day everyone. I hope everyone is going to enjoy there day. We have a picnic on tap today so hopefully it won't rain. Even if it does that's ok too.

Carole- I know your out running right now so I hope your having fun.

Christine- That was a great story about your dd. It's amazing how people are to there children. They miss out on so much just because of their own issues. She must really love you and see you as her rock while her own mother can't do that for her right now. I'm glad she has you.

My legs feel really good today but my stomach is another issue. I don't know if I didn't fuel my body properly for 10 miles but either I did something wrong or I just had a stomach ache. I had cereal for breakfast yesterday with banana. Then lunch was tuna, yogurt and salad after the run. Then a protein bar. That was after the run I had lunch. Then we had to go to dh's mom to give her her mother's day gift so dinner was late (around 7). So I had no food from noon like 3 until 7 that night. When I got home I was so drained like I needed energy so I ate a banana and two sweet potatoe pancakes for dinner ( very healty pancakes) after dinner I had more energy but my stomach was so nausous. I started to get a headache when we were at dh's mom's and then the stomach ache. I think I really didn't fuel that run properly which led to these side effects. Normally at 7 I would have already eaten dinner and been on my last small meal. We had so much stuff to do yesterday that food wasn't top proriety. Now can this could happen from the 10 mile run or did I just have a touch of somthing.

Today I feel good, legs are good, no headache and stomach is a lot less queasy. Ok everyone is up now. Off to open my cards.
Hi everyone,
Happy Mother's day to all and happy Sunday.

I'm off to a busy day. Did Supersets, one of the premixes and feel less stiff. I may go for a walk later or just take it easy before getting back into a run tomorrow.

Karen-- carbs, carbs, carbs (healthy whole grain carbs) is my thought. 10 miles is a long run -- if you burn 100 cal per mile or even if it's 70 you need to refuel. I try to load up on carbs before and after the run and then end the day with protein and veggies. I am always working at the balance of eating enough to refuel from workouts, fuel for the next workout, but still not overeat and gain weight.
?? Maybe at lunch you needed a few more carbs to refuel. But maybe you just have a bug. Take care of yourself and I hope you feel better. Amazing job on your run. Good for you! You must feel very happy that you went longer than you thought you would!

Carole--I think you are running in the dark right now. I hope you're having a great run. Thanks for the push to take Core Synergistics. I'm gonna' do it.

Christine -- great story about your daughter. I'm glad you're feeling happy.

Hello to all. More on Monday.

Barb:) :) :)
Thanks for the input Barb. I really do think it was the run without enough fuel. I think I just let it go thoughtout the day and it just got worse with the headache. I feel even better now than when i wrote this morning. My stomach ache is gone and I'm off to eat breakfast.
there are some formulas I read in two different sports nutrition books about fueling and refueling..
nancy clark's sports nutrition book and Monique Ryan's sports nutrition for the endurance athlete..

basically .5 g carb x half your body weight for each 30 minutes before exercise

so if you weight 150 # .5 x 75 = 37.5 g carbs which could be an english muffin 26 g carb + 1/2 a banana

Also post run, I try to eat "high glycemic" carbs, and then within the next 2 hours some protein, some fat and whole grain carbs. (fruit post run immediately. Then maybe PB sandwich on whole grain toast within 2 hours, then 2 hours later, more good carbs. I know lots of women have good luck with smoothies, but I can't tolerate the liquid shake without feeling nauseated-- but that's another great option: Frozen Berries + soy milk or milk + 1/2 banana + ice..+ protein powder (optional).

But you can play around with the concept to see what works for you. As my longer runs increased, I needed to get up earlier to eat more easy-to-digest carbs before the run. But I know many runners here don't eat as much before running and have way more experience with this than I do -- and everyone's body is so different.

I tend to not eat much late in the day -- which may add to my need to refuel heavily in the a.m. when I run. I go to bed really early and get up really early. But with longer or harder runs I am trying to link the days eating together so I don't end up tired because of nutrition --but tired because of physical limitations (where my fitness level is).

Hope this helps. Glad you're feeling better.

Good morning runners! A slow nite at work for me. I plan on stopping on the way home for a 6 mile trail run. Happy Mom's day to all you hardworking women with kids. I don't know how you manage!

Carole- I hope your having a great run in the dark! I tried your interval run yesterday and loved it! I was reminded of a line of Cathe's (from Bootcamp) during the intervals- "you can do ANYTHING for a minute!"

Christine- what a great story about your (step)DD- it must be a very special Mothers day for you!! Can you let me know how you like the Amy Bento workout? I've been considering getting it.

Laura- I think you did a GREAT job on your 5k considering the conditions....kudos to you!!

Marcia- What a fantastic way to celebrate today with a 5k walk with you Mom...have a great time!!

Congratulations to Karen and Barb on their milestone runs yesterday. :7 :7

Hi to all who come after and happy mothers day!!

Have fun on the 6 mile trail run ShellyC.

Barb- That is some really good info. I didn't really eat to many carbs at lunch yesterday. Last week after the 5k I ate two bananas and then an orange. Grant it was a shorter run compared to yesterday but I recovered so well. Yesterday the headached and nausea didn't set in for a couple of hours. I knew something was wrong when i felt so drained. I was craving the pancakes and banana for dinner. I had out a veggie burger but it was carbs I wanted. I just think it was to little to late yesterday.

Karen...I'd say too long without food!! I do think carbs are good but you might have needed some protein too...:)..I am glad your legs felt good from the run yesterday!

Barb...I hope you do get to do Core Syn! Sounds like you had a nice workout today.

Shelly...that interval run is quite fun for me, I am glad you liked it!! I hope you get in a good trail run today..

Christine...great story about your DD17...she has to see what a good person you are and it makes me smile to think of her suprising you for Mother's Day!!..:)

Laura...I hope your 7 mile run goes well today..

Well I survived the dark run!! It was kinda fun and way too cool to run so early and miss the heat!! The headlamp worked very good as I might be pacing alot in the dark at Western States, now I feel better. I ended up running 20 miles. 12 with my sister and then 8 with my other running I think I need a nap...:)

Have a great day...
Hello everyone! I got in my 8 miler this morning, despite all my setbacks trying to get out of my house, LOL!

I was on a path (paved, but I ran along side it on very hard dirt) that has mile markers every half mile. I ROCKED the first 4 miles, like clockwork at a 9:45 minute mile. At mile 5, I had to stop and check my blood sugar, so I lost a minute or so at that point. I picked my pace back up after that, and was doing really well, UNTIL at 7.5 miles it felt like my right foot split in half.... but I didn't want to walk the last portion, so I ran on my toes. LOL, I'm sure I looked like a big goof.

I checked for blood at the end, and saw none, so I stretched for a couple minutes (a very pitiful sight, I'm afraid) and then took off my sock when I got back to my car... to discover a "hole" about the size of a quarter in the exact center of my arch on my right foot. :( Whoops! I felt a blister on the side of my foot (shoe + orthotics + foot = blister), but never the one on the bottom until it split. :( It really really hurt! BUT, I MADE IT BACK in 79:35 total time, so I guess my pace was pretty steady even with my minor setbacks along the route.

Tell me again who will be running the Wine Country July Half? I'm planning to sign up this week, and it would be *great* to know who I'll get to meet!!!!

I hope everyone has great runs and a great mother's day!

I forgot to say I started at 7am at 51 degrees and finished at 8:20 at 69 degrees- good thing I started early!!
Carole-Okay, so that explains why no running yesterday! What an amazing run! Once in awhile, during the hottest months of the summer, DH and I will go on night trail runs behind my parents house. It is beautiful and amazing. We stay mostly in large open fields that we know well, so no headlamp required, but a lot of concentration to keep your footing on some uneven ground! Enjoy a well-deserved nap:) And thanks for comparing our biceps, lol! I've seen yours!

Barb-That's an awesome formula for fueling that you have there! With all your knowledge you are going to have this the nutrition down to an exact science for yourself very soon! I had plateaued with back and shoulders for awhile, but yesterday I made sure to eat after my run, before I lifted and had a lot more energy, the weights just felt lighter!

Karen-I know the second time I ran 10 miles I had the same kinds of effects that you did. I would say you definitely didn't eat enough afterwards and maybe didn't drink enough either. The headache was likely your body needing to eat, but the stomachache may have been a result of low fluids and electrolytes. Did you drink during your run? Oh, and I should have started by saying 10 MILES!!! AWESOME!!!

Marcia-Sounds like a perfect Mother's Day even planned, it's making me miss my own mom who I won't get to see until at least next weekend.

Laura-Have a very solid 7 miles! And again, nice job on the 5K:7 :7

Christine-I remember several posts about your DD17 and I always think you handle your relationship with her with love and respect, I'm so happy for you both! Sounds like I wouldn't be able to stand the Amy Bento even for a few minutes, lol! Well, I guess I'll just have to stick with Cathe...what a shame!

ShellyC-Which interval workout of Carole's did you do? I loved her HRM Tempo run and would love to try this one out as well.

Today way supposed to be a long run day, but DH is sickx( x( and so it will have to get pushed to later in the week. So instead I went for shorter and more intense and really blasted the legs. I did WU from Lomax, then the blasts only (with a 5 pound weight ala Aquajock's modification-this BLASTS the legs hard!), then Imax 3 4-8 blasts only, then RS Challenge and Cooldown, then Coremax 1. I *almost* feel like I did the long run, lol!
Happy Mother's Day Everyone!

Oh man I missed Amy! Sarah must be rubbing off on you! I felt my foot explode, but didn't want to walk, lol! You guys are tough:+ Seriously, slap on the band-aid blister covering and try to keep off of it as much as you can}(
Thanks everyone! I really appreciate the support. It's been up and down, but so worth it!

I am taking it easy today after yesterday. LOL. Just did the warm up and first two combos of Amy Bento's step, then finished with the Rythmic Step Challenge done twice. Only 45 minutes, but a pretty decent elevated heart rate. Amy's Step is interesting. I'd say the same complexity as Rhythmic Step - it just takes time to get used to her cueing. She's faster than Cathe. And the crazy shuffle is one of my favorite moves. I just didn't feel like thinking too much today :p so I only worked the first two, which I think I have pretty well now.

Karen - oh yeah, I agree on the run without food. You really need to refuel at least every 1.5 hours of hard exercise. I learned that the hard way from hiking. But great run!

Amy - great run for you as well! 8 miles and the last with a hole in your foot! WOW!

Barb - great nutritional info - thanks!

Shelly - enjoy your trail run - they're my favorites!

Carole - headlamps are great, aren't they? I like running in the dark, especially before everyone else is up. Glad you had fun!

HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY TO ALL! There's a bag on the counter from my favorite store - Ann Taylor - so I'm sure I'll love it (I'd love it even if I hated it). I'm off to shower. Taking it easier before tomorrow which is week four of P90X and a 4 mile run.

Okay, it's official...Amy gets the tough runner award of the week!
and a purple heart to go with it:) :)

Mattea- You really did a hard workout today! That LowMax intensifier by itself is a killer and with what you added goodness honey you deserve a big pat on the back!!
The official "Carole Interval Run" - Warm up run x 15 min,then run at a fast race pace x 1 minute, recover run x 2.5 minutes, repeat this combo x 10, then cool down run. I went a little over an hour for 7 miles total and it seemed to fly by. Try it :)

Hey Carole--how you like a run being named after you:D

hope everyone has a nice mothers day:) I just got back from my 7mile run thinking I would be fatigued after yesterdays race and I was wrong. I felt really strong today. I did manage to keep a9:40pace. I have to make myself slow down. but that pace is very comfortable for me.

carole wow 20miles,you rock ! glad it was safe also.

mattea and shelly thanks for the congrats!!

does anyone have a race coming up next weekend? The countdown begins for me, next sunday, Icant believe its almost here.

ouch on the blisters!!! gotta watch those toes:)

have a nice day ladies!!
Mattea - Thanks! That means a lot. Yeah, Amy will have a very limited following when it comes to step.

Carole - I love that you can run 20 miles. I hope I can, too, some day! WAY TO GO!

Laura - Great that you're feeling strong!! How far is the race next Sunday? I can't remember? That will be fun!

Amy - I'm going, Thomasina, Elaine and you - we're the ones, so far, that will be in Napa/Sonoma. :)

Very nice day - DD17 got be a beautiful silk cami that's ivory and black w/ a matching black shrug from Ann Taylor. DD13 got me Slow and Heavy from Cathe - I told her wanted it a while ago, so she got together with DH and ordered it for me. Then the two girls took me out to a champagne brunch, and DD17 paid for it (she even drove! I just sat back and enjoyed)! The food was fabulous. DD13 is cooking dinner, and now they're taking the dogs for a hike at a local open space preserve without me (feels weird that the DD's are out hiking and I'm not with them! They're too old now! I used to take them hiking when they were little).
christine that is a nice gift from your kids, how sweet.

my race is a half marathon next sunday. then I will focus mostly on the smaller races for awhile.

carole can put the miles away. I wish I could run like her and sarah.

Happy Mothers Day;-)
I dont know if I mentioned it yesterday even though there wasnt alot in my age group , I managed to place first. Yipee!! and someone had said you cant have a PR every time you race, that is true. Iguess I expect to much out of myself sometimes. But like carole pointed out yesterday also, the course was harder and with the weather and I managed to be consistant with times . so that in itself was improvement. bothe you ladies made good points. That is why I like this forum ,you people help point out the better things that we sometimes our self miss. thanks to all.
Laura! WOW! That's fantastic! First?! You did incredible! It doesn't matter how many were or were not there. You placed FIRST on a tough course. Be proud! Way to go!!
You guys are too funny!!! Christine, that sounds like a *lovely* mother's day! Yay!

Sarah was my inspiration to keep going when it was feeling like my foot split, LOL. ;) I'm not sure if that's a good thing or not! I was doing well until it got so hot my foot started to sweat- ouch! I just didn't want to lose all the time I had kept up my faster pace... and I really didn't walk at all because I needed to! Super Yay!!!

Thanks for inviting me to run with you at that half. It has been so fun to get back into training!! }(

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