runners check in 5/13


good morning ladies!!:+

I am crawling out of bed trying to wake up and get my self prepared for my 5k this morning. This one doesnt start until 10am and then my son is suppose to have soccer game at noon. I thought they might cancel it with all the rain we've had but we havent heard anything yet. I forgot about his baseball practice yesterday,it was suppose to be his first one,OOPS, really though it was cold and damp here and I thought they would cancel that too but again, no phone call. He has two more soccer games and then it is just baseball. he has been on two soccer teams this spring and it has been crazy. thankgoodness my other two kids didnt want to be on anything right now. I have to sign them up for swimming lessons and my younger son and daughter are considering track. they sent a letter home for 4-12yr olds track sign ups. My daughter might do the kids 1kcamel this year. I do the camelback its 4miles and I asked her if she wanted to run that this yr and she said if you will run it with me and of course I told herI would.

anyway keep your fingers crossed that it wont rain around 10am this morning . Hope everyone has a nice day and a great workout!!!
GOOD LUCK LAURA!!!!!! I'll be rooting for you!:+

No running for me today...Yesterday's work out kicked my !@#!@$?! !!! LOL }(

In fact, I am going off my rotation to put in a short, low impact aerobic work out. I want to get something in but I need it to be on the easier side. I have been pushin' extra hard lately and need to pull back the reigns a bit as my body is FRIED!}( I'll either do 30 mins of Cathe step w/o all of the jumping, or I'll do a rebounding work out...I haven't decided yet.

Have a great day!:)
Good Morning Wendy and Laura, Today I am going out with the family for my long run and family bike ride. I am hoping for 9 miles today. We have a Mother's Day picnic tomorrow so I am picking tomorrow as my rest day.

I missed tons of post yesterday, I ran out of gas on 95. My dh and I went to go get out new car and on the way home the mini van ran out of gas. My fault totally. You ask " How can this Happen" Well, my gas gauge in the van is broken but I usually just keep tabs on the milage due to the fact it will cost around 450 to get the thing fixed. Well, with all the fuss with the new car I forgot to set the trip meter. Luckly my husband was behind me and the girls in the new car and we got off an exit near our home stopping and stalling. Finally we got just to the pump the last time the van finally had no fumes left. Good thing I don't have to worry anymore. The van is now dh's and I get the new Aztek. So that is what happen to me yesterday.

I missed the Carole appreciate Day. I have to say that I really love her and admire her as well. I told dh about your 50 k and he was just so in awe of how hard you work and what you can accomplish.

Good Luck in the 5k Laura, I am praying for no rain.

Wendy- Take it easy. You did good yesterday.

Everyone else Thomasina, Barb, Christine, Kathy, Gayle, Elaine, Pamela, Mattea, Judy, ShellyC, kristi and all others from yesterday good luck in your workouts today and Happy Mother's Day.
Good morning runners

Good luck Laura!!! Crossing my fingers for no rain!

Tomasina...thank you...:)...sounds like you had a good workout and ending with Mr Yummypants...:+....

Wendy...I agree with you pulling back a bit. Keep that immune system happy so you don't feel under the weather anymore...:)

Karen...what a busy day yesterday!! I am glad you will be driving the reliable car!! Thank you so much for your sweet comments...and telling your DH about my 50K makes me smile...:)...hope you have a nice run and family bike ride today.

I'll be doing some Yoga (Baron) and maybe a TLT.

Have a great day...:)
Good morning all!

It's a gorgeous day here in sunny California (FINALLY SUNNY!). So, Tucker the wondermutt and I are going for a "long" run. I had a haircut scheduled for noon, so my run locations were limited, but that was cancelled so now I have to rethink this. I would love to run somewhere other than my neighborhood. Hmmm. I want to get six miles in today. Then I'll follow it by Core Synergistics, and if I have the energy, the first combo from Amy Bento's Advanced Step Challenge (I previewed this - I'll need to break this one down by combo's - Cathe's I can just go for - this one may kill me. :p )

GO Laura GO!! Good luck on the 5K! HAVE FUN!! Even in the rain.

Wendy - enjoy your lower key workout. I know the feeling. I just need them from time to time - way to go with listening to your body! And YEAH on the run yesterday!

Karen - sorry to hear you ran out of gas on 95! That's not fun. Glad DH was there. Have fun on your run today!

Carole - enjoy your day! Yoga and a TLT sounds fabulous!

Waves hello to everyone to follow!
Happy Saturday, runners!

It’s beautiful weather here in SUNNY California, but the pollen can take a hike! LOL I’m feeling pretty good today after my evening workout. Not trying to enable anyone (yeah right) but I have to say Bryan Kest power yoga is the best. I think it really is helping me not get injured again. Since I sort of messed up my routine this week, I think I need to get in some LB work, so I’ll figure that out with some sort of cardio. I usually ride my bike today but my riding buddy is down due to a minor surgery. Oh well, I want to run, but since I am going to do 7 miles tomorrow and I promised myself to crosstrain, that’s what I’ll do - crosstrain. Anyway have a wonderful day ladies!

Laura – GOOD LUCK with your 5K! Can’t wait to hear how you did. I think it is great your DD wants to run with you. I’m just getting my DS to run with me. It’s easy for him though because I’m slow! Kids and activities can wear ya out! At one time we had one in softball, one in soccer, one that plays guitar and then you have to sort out the orthodontist appointments too.

Wendy – I missed the Happy Birthday to your cute little guy post, so give him a birthday squeeze from me! He is absolutely adorable. And let me tell you, boys are much easier than girls! Lol He’ll be walking all over the place before you know it. I agree you should take it easier today. When the body speaks, it is wise to listen. Your run was outstanding though and you certainly are making a lot of progress – ha ha the bug has bitten Weeeeennddddeeee! Lol I also need 2 to 3 miles to really settle in, so that is why I don’t like to run only 3 milers; they are the hardest miles.

Karen – Wow, what a bummer to run out of gas! And how come it is always some astronomical dollar amount to get something silly fixed on a car!! Ok, I better not get started on that! Good luck with your long run today. I really admire your enthusiasm (it is inspirational too) and you really are doing great with your running.

Carole – What? Bionic woman isn’t running today? Lol..just kidding, I know your long runs are on Sunday. It’s just hard to imagine you not running. Is that Baron Baptiste? How do you like his compared to yummypants (hee hee). I have a new Rodney Yee power yoga and after doing Bryan Kest, I don’t really care to do the Rodney DVD. I’ll just give that one away probably. I’m making Farmhouse Vegetable soup from the Vegan Planet book later today. Thanks again for the tip on that book, I really am enjoying it, and it is also helping stay away from cheese.

Christine – You and I better tone down the excitement over the weather here is SUNNY California, or we may be boooed off the thread! It’s great you can run with your dog. My golden is supposed to be a running dog, but ever since she was a puppy, she gets freaked out too easy over stuff when we go into town. If I try to run around here, there are too many loose dogs (and sometimes pitbulls..grrr) so I don’t want to have my dog dangling from her leash to be mauled by another unchained dog on a my run. My dog is the biggest sweetest baby on earth and I would be very upset if something terrible like that happened, so I don’t take the chance anymore. Even though we have leash laws in this county, the owners don’t pay attention and let their dogs run loose and then they come after us. I really am sick of it to tell you the truth, because it isn’t the poor mean dog’s fault, it is the negligent owners! Ok, I better quit ranting for letting me vent on this one. Have a good run, Christine and wondermutt!!

Hello to all that follow today!!

Hey Laura-Good luck!!! The rain is just like air conditioning, the rain is just like air conditioning...:)

Wendy-Sounds like you need a few days to let your body recover and build your bouncy energy back up--have fun kicking back a little, and then have fun kicking some butt!

Karen-Sounds like a rough day yesterday, lol! Glad you made it through okay, although you could have just started running home and made it part of your training;-)

Carole-No running? Only some yoga? Are you feeling okay? Did all the love yesterday tire you out?:7

Christine-Sounds like you've got a killer workout on tap! Is Amy Bento that intense or just that complex?

Thomasina-Just think how fresh you'll feel on the 7 miles tomorrow if you crosstrain today! I know what you mean about Bryan Kest, Mr. Yummypants helps me feel both strong and flexible:D

Today was a quick 3 mile run for me and GS BSB. I mangaged to cut 2 min. off my time this morning and up my weights for back and a couple of shoulder exercises (but not for bicepsx( My biceps pretty consistenly thumb their nose at me when I try that).
Have a great day!
thanks everyone for the good wishes. I didnt do quite as good as I hoped for but it was damp and cold and the course was tougher than the other two 5ks I did. I finished 26:14 which is what I finished my first 5k of the year at. I dont know if my time might be better because they used timing chips with us and that time is when I crossed the finish line.I am hoping a few seconds will be shaved off ,if not oh well. I have still knocked over a minute off my time from last year. so right now my 5k times are ranging from 26min-26:14 not too shabby for a old woman!!ha ha!!!

karen I am bad about running my van almost until empty,my husband is always on me for least you had a real excuse. Mine wouldnt be so good.
my son ended up having his soccer game.Man it was cold and rainy,I was surprised they had it. anyway hope everyone has a nice day.
Hey Laura-Just wanted to offer congratulations on your 5K! You are running fast and strong, not every race can be a new PR, but you are consistent and determined, so I'm sure you'll continue to see improvements, just imagine where you'll be next year:+
Laura - way to go! Not bad at all for being a tough course in icky weather! YEAH LAURA!!!

Thomasina - oh, if we had the loose dogs around here that everyone else seems to have I would not take Tuck running. Most of the dogs around here are very friendly, and on leash or tied up. So, I don't have that problem, fortunately. The wondermutt is asleep in his crate right now - totally exhausted. }(

Mattea - I did do the first combo. A little background on me - step comes pretty easily to me. I can do a brand new Cathe step workout and still get a good workout - I might not get all of the moves, but I learn it pretty quickly. That being said, as soon as I figured out the crazy shuffle (I still get confused if I approach it too quickly, but for the most part I figured it out by watching and rewatching until I figured out what the steps were), the rest is fairly standard. It's very bouncy, and faster than Cathe step. She is very energetic. The kind of person that you can only handle in small doses as she would have your heart rate up the whole time simply by talking to her. :+ And I would hope that if we keep talking about sunny California, we'll have more visitors. I'd love to run with the ladies from other places!

Well, I decided to run the neighborhood, simply because it was easier. I got in my car and drove the route, just to get a real gage on how far it is. Found out my "5" mile route is only 4.5 miles. *sighs* But I did figure out a full fledged six mile run and did that today. The afterwards I took my other dog (who is not a good running dog as she likes to mark her territory every 5 feet) for a long walk as she felt left out. Then I did 30 minutes of Core Synergistics. Did a segment of the Amy Stretching DVD - which is okay - kind of like a long Cathe after workout stretch - nothing too incredible, and 10 minutes of yoga. Got energy back and decided to try the Advanced Step Challenge. Only did 10 minutes of that - but I think I have the first combo. So now I'm thoroughly beat and smell pretty bad - time to go take a shower.

I'm chatty too - I think I'm dying for conversation with an adult... One week and DH will be back.
Hey everyone:

GOOD LUCK to all of you that have a race today - we are rooting for you ;-)

My DH and DS are taking me to Red Lobster tonight for Mother's Day since I will be walking that Race for the Cure 5K tomorrow with my mom. I love going out to eat with them because we have so much fun. Once in a while we even get DS to try something new ;-)

Training for my next 1/2 starts Monday, too, and I am VERY excited to have a scheduled routine to follow.

Everyone have a wonderful Mother's Day tomorrow and I'll be back to report on Monday.

Take care,
I hope the day is going great for everyone. I managed to do my long run of 11.5 miles today -- but it was tight timewise with DH out of town and needing to get to work and get the kids set. I felt ok, but more sore than last week's long run. I might have stretched a little too much yesterday with Mr. Kest and pulled some quad muscles more than they were ready to go.

I'm planning to do Supersets tomorrow.

Laura-- Great job on the race. To me, your time sounds good. How do you figure out where to squeeze in the start with the crowds?

Carole -- good luck on the long run tomorrow. Thanks for the info on core synergistics.
I may have to buy a Baron B. yoga tape. I got my husband P90X for his bday, but he hasn't opened the tapes yet. He's got one more week until I start previewing them!

Wendy--it's easy to go a little too far and not realize it.

Karen-- I hope your long run went well. It's great you are enjoying running so much! I'm sorry about the gas mix up. It's great you could end the day with getting a different car in an amicable trade with DH!! :) Not really related at all to this but here's a free-floating thought: when I was in 5th grade, my grandmother gently ran her car into a wall at a car wash -- gently bashed the wall - Kaboom -- not that she was hurt, but it's kind of funny to me, still!! Good thing she didn't drive much.

Christine- I'm envious of the CA sun. It' dreary, gray and rainy here in Michigan. I wore a rain coat/shell on my run, but luckily it didn't really rain hard, but it was gloomy out.

Thomasina-good luck on your 7 miles tomorrow. Sorry you missed your bike ride, but I'm taking to heart your words about using Bryan Kest more regularly to avoid injury. I got out of doing yoga more regularly and switched to stretch tapes and am going to make my way back to yoga, I think.

Mattea-- you rock on your time-shaving run! :) :) . Great, too that you added weight on your back. I am plateau'd with my biceps as well -- and back and shoulders for that matter. I think the concentration curl series on GSBSB is really hard, especially after the barbell curls. The biceps on PUB are a killer for me, too.

Marcia-- good luck on your race for the cure 5K tomorrow!
Have a great rest of the day to all the rest of the wonderful women runners who check in here!!


:) :) :)
thomasina I have to run 7miles tomorrow as well. I ams skipping running with my two friends tomorrow because the one runs like the energizer bunny and the other tries very hard to keep up with him and I need to run 7easy miles tomorrow to give my body a break. I had a race today and ran hard on wed and thurs already so I need a slower run for tomorrow and then next week will be all easy slow runs except for monday. resting up a little for the half next weekend is what next week will be all about.

barb todays race wasnt as busy as most of the 5ks I have done,that surprised me , so it wasnt so bad at the start.

hope everyone has a nice evening, I am off to go eat mexican food. My husband is treating his mom and me for mothers day tonight.
Christine...sounds like a tough workout!! Enjoy...:)...I have to say, I am always trying to send my DH away for a few days...I always enjoy some alone time. But I know your DH is away sometimes and you must miss him...:)

Tomasina...have a nice crosstraining workout today! Nope bionic woman has light workouts on Saturday...:)..Baron (yes Baptiste) is good, not quite the eye candy Bryan is, but his power yoga is good.

Mattea...the love yesterday was truly wonderful...:)...I think we have the same biceps! Mine seem more resistant to increases of weight too...Good workout and that is great you cut 2 min of your 3 mile time!! be consistant on a harder course is definitely improvement!!! You did great and should feel very proud...:)...Mexican food is my favorite, have a great dinner!!

Marcia...have a great dinner at Red Lobster! Have a great walk with your MOM tomorrow...:)..How exciting to start your training Monday!

Barb...good job on your long run. I think you should take the Core Synergistics DVD from your DH...tell him is it a good workout for runners...:)

Well, I might be late checking in tomorrow. I need to run some in the dark in preparation for the Western States pacing. So, I'll be running at 4 in the morning...}(
I'm back from not 9 but 10 miles today. yes, that's right 10 miles for me. I am so happy, I was doing the I'm so happy dance all the way to the car. Dh and the girls biked 9 but after nine I thought one more ought to do it since I slowly want to increas and tomorrow is a rest day and I did it. Man do I feel accomplished. That is as far as I have ever gone. I must say when I ran 9 last week it was getting a little much at mile 7 but today at mile 8 1/2 I was still feeling good. Maybe I can con a Mother's Day leg and foot massage out of dh.

Barb- 11.5 miles is so awesome. You go girl!!!

carole- Be safe tomorrow morning and have a great run

Marcia- have fun at Red Lobster and good luck on the 5k in the morning.

Laura- You did great. I mean the time was great, you improved your time, plus you had really bad running conditions. You were fabulous

Thomasina- Good luck with the 7 miles

Mattea- You crack me up. I gave it a fleeting thought on 95 to run for the gas but then was so happy when dh pulled up. Luckily I was near the exit.

christine- I'm back now if you want to chat. I'm glad you had a nice run.
thanks carole, you are right about being consistant on a tougher course is progress, I never looked at it that way. that is why we have you!! to remind us,dear wise one:) your words of encouragement mean alot, thanks!! be safe tomorrow!!!

enjoy red lobster marcia,we just got back from eating and I must say I am sooooo full .

karen GREAT JOB on the 10miles,doesnt it feel great when you accomplish something that you didnt think you could do,especially when you feel good at the end of it.

barb way to go on the 11.5miles, you pretty much completed a half marathon!!!
Karen - WAY TO GO on the 10 miles!!!! That's so wonderful! Wow! I'm so impressed. It's is a wonderful feeling when we do more than we ever thought we could, isn't it? And you're just so sweet - thanks for being there. I can't tell you what that means!

Carole - Oh yeah, I know exactly what you mean about the alone time when DH goes. I really look forward to it. This time, though, it's too much. He was gone for week, then was back for 6 days, and is gone for 2 weeks this time. It was supposed to only be a week, but with his mom not doing well, he needed to go to India also (he's from India and he's mom is still there). I absolutely understand, and I'm happy he's there, but it's a little lonely without him. Nothing I can't handle, and it's probably a good thing to remind me why I'm with him. But, you know...

Oh I have to share this. My DD17 is actually my step daughter. We've been through some major ups and downs, mainly because DD's mom is not a very nice person, but DD loves her, as she should. This year had been tough because DD chose to live with us (I've been with them 8 years, and all but 7 of them DD has lived with us) after a year with her mom. Her mom has not spoken to her (at all - seriously) for that year, and it's been very tough on DD - obviously. I've done what I can, but I'm not her mom, and I understand that. Today DD called me and asked me advice for her boyfriend's mom's mother's day gift. We talked a bit about that (I've met the bf's mom and she's a wonderful lady, so I was able to give some advice). Then DD said, "Oh, by the way, don't make any plans for tomorrow." With DH gone, she's taken it upon herself to plan a Mother's Day surprise for me. I'm in tears. I mean, holy cow, she didn't have to do this, yet she did. What a wonderful young lady. I feel so sorry for her mom - I couldn't imagine not wanting to speak to a daughter who is so darned giving. I quite frankly could not imagine not wanting to speak to DD17, let alone my own DD13 even if she did want to live with her dad. What is wrong with people? (rhetorical question) I'm feeling very blessed right now.

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