Rounded Belly Check-in Week of May 17th


It's hard to believe it's already mid-May. You wouldn't be able to tell where we're at geographically b/c we got snow Thursday again. Not much, but it's still discouraging! Urgh. "El Nina"

AshleyAnn~ YOU are our mature pregnant woman! You must be the next one ready to deliver?!??! I don't think I've heard of steel cut oats? Do you buy in a specialty store?

Dawn~ I cannot believe you were still able to fit into your size 8 clothes! Wow!

Susan~ You sound like 2nd trimester is doing well for you. ;)

Christine~ Thanks for all the BM ideas! How are you feeling?

Pricilla~ Just a few more weeks of nausea for us!!!!

Jen~ Great job on 5K. Did you jog at all?

Wendy, Buneknek, Erin~ I don't think we heard from you last week. Hope all is well!

Pennstater~ Are you keeping up with your workouts?

Who did I miss?

*sigh* I'm going to stay home from church again. I'm so burnt out (I worked about 50 hrs this week), and my house is dirty, and I'm still working to get these bowels moving. I'm so happy to be pregnant, but am hoping that 2nd trimester will be easier for me. I feel so grumpy and uncomfortable. Let's see, does 2nd trimester offically start at 13 weeks? I just started my 10th week....
Hey Preggos!
Not too much going on today. Enjoying this great weather. Sorry Melanie!!!! We need it though. It has been raining for 2 weeks! Today is clear and 72..perfect! dh is going to grill out later on..ahhhh. Wish I could drink a beer!
I didn't sleep last night. My hip was just nagging me all night. THe new pillow helped a I had to pee hourly! Oh well..who needs sleep, right?!

Melanie-wow 10 weeks already!! Thats awesome! You will be feeling better before you know it! Yuck on your snow! I get my steel cut oats at the regular grocery..Kroger here. Quacker makes the one I get. Takes forever to cook, but they are great. Hope you get some "movement" today!!!!

Christine HI-Jen is the great looking preggo in the softball pick..not me :)

Hi Dawn, Pricilla, Jen, Wendy (where are you girl), Allison, buneknek, erin and Cee...whew..hope I didnt forget anyone.
Melanie- I felt the same way you did in my first trimester. I thought I wasn't going to make it and really thought I would not enjoy my pregnancy but as soon as I hit my 13 week...BAM! I feel so different and better. If it wasn't for the fact that I have a belly now I don't even feel pregnant. Yes, I did job the 5K a little until my hip started bothering me. I just didn't want to injure myself so I didn't push it. It's been about 2 1/2 months since I ran so.....but it did feel so nice to jog for a few.

Susan-I hear ya about the beer! Now that I am feeling better I want one when I see others drinking them. I'm sorry your hip kept you awake. Do you take Tylenol before you go to bed to see if that will help you sleep? Thanks for the compliment about the pic. ;)

Hi Christine and everyone else! I'm sorry I haven't done personals but I haven't started a cheat sheet yet.
I have been a P.I.G. today. Haley and I made a cake and I have had 2 HUGE pieces...with ice cream!!! Needless to say I feel gross now!
Jen-some nights I do take tylenol and I know its safe...but taking anything bothers me so I try not to. I tell you what would work...a beer and an Advil..yeah that would do the trick!
Melanie did you have a productive day??

Hi everyone,

21 weeks and I feel great! (OK. So I'm starting to show and I think my little girl may be wearing roller skates.) It's just amazing my changes in energy and mood, too, from first to second trimester. To be honest, I felt pretty depressed first trimester.

As I'm sure we all know, increased fiber is key! For awhile, I was eating bran cereal every morning and at least one apple a day. This helped. But this weekend I found a container of orange-flavored metamucil. I started adding it (up to 3 teaspoons a day) to my water. It got me drinking more water (good) and increasing the fiber (even better!). That's all I'll say about that other than this is my new favorite drink!

I actually did a modified Step, Jump, and Pump this weekend and I was so proud of myself. I used the Workout Blender for the first time and just chose the step (no risers), two ho-lows keeping it low, biceps and shoulders, and one leg segment. I can tell my strength is not what it was, but I still felt very accomplished.

I also started on the nursery this weekend--a cluttered room being repurposed. I played baby lullabies while I organized. Very sweet.

Anyway, hope everyone else has a great week. For you first trimesters, hang in there! For third trimesters, good luck! And for my fellow second trimesters, halfway there!

Now now Susan.... :) Mixing drugs with alcohol is a no no. ;)

So I forgot about DOMS. My poor shins and butt are so sore from the 5K on Saturday I can hardly walk this AM. I HAD to take Tylenol or I couldn't even drive because I had to lift my foot to hit the brake/gas. Ouch! I hope to walk tonight and then stretch real good.

Dawn-When did you first feel your little one kicking? I am gettin excited/anxious to feel kicks! I think my guy/girl is pretty mellow. He/she didn't even move around much on the last u/s, I think he/she was napping. Way to go on the workouts! I hope to start walking again soon. Ya know, if I look back through my posts, I bet I have said that many times. :)

Susan- I am right there with ya! I had a brownie with ice cream on top yesterday and felt miserable when I was done. But it tastes SOOOO good!

Hi Melanie, Christine, Priscilla and everyone else! Happy Monday!
Hi everyone,

I didn't get around to checking in last week-obviously. I'm feeling pretty good (17 weeks) but still vomiting w/little to no notice about 2 times a week-which is fun:) I go back to the OB tomorrow and then they'll let me know my schedule for ultrasounds, specialist appts. etc. I'm anxious to know the details since this is so much different from my 1st pg.

Melanie-sorry to hear about the constipation. I am supposed to be taking extra iron pills but I have a hard time getting myself to do it b/c I'd like to have a bm sometime this year!

Susan - sorry to hear about your hip. But don't feel bad about being a pig-you obviously wouldn't have ate it if the baby wouldn't have needed it, right?

Dawn - I just threw out a container of Metamucil b/c I just didn't think I could stomach it but if you say it's not that bad I may have to try it.

Jen - I think I felt the baby move yesterday. My daughter was upset the other day b/c she laid her head on my tummy and told me that the baby was growling at her. I tried to tell her it was just b/c I was hungry but she was convinced it was the baby.

Hi everyone else!

During my 17-week appointment, the doctor asked if I could feel the baby yet. I said I didn't think so but honestly wasnt sure. I thought I had gas because I had felt little tiny bubbles inside (but to be honest, I want to say I had that occasional feeling even when not pregnant). After the 17 weeks, I started to notice a light fluttering--almost like little bubbles inside. I left for a business trip the day after my appointment, and I had some free time to explore the city I was in. For the first time, I felt like the little baby was with me--every now and then I felt a flutter.

4 weeks later and the flutters are getting a little stronger. I felt this rolling sensation this weekend--like rollerskates!

If I have a second child, after about 15 weeks, I think I'll start paying more attention!

Take care
Wendy, too funny about the growling stomach! I'm sad to hear that you are still vomiting. :(

Dawn, yeah to rollerskater!!! Don't you just love the movement?

I had a productive day in the BM field. I think I pooped like 7 times! I feel really good now, in that aspect. I had a migraine yesterday though. :( I took a couple tylenol,...but it didn't touch it. I ENJOYED MY 2ND DAY IN A ROW SPOT FREE! Yes! This is something that's really bothered me, all this spotting. I'm hoping that it's gone for good now.

I have one more day off, then a day of work. I have two students on Tuesday---I signed up to be a preceptor----which is freaking me out a little b/c I barely have enough energy to do my own work!

I fell asleep before despirate housewives, but hope to catch up with it online (just watched Grey's Anatomy yesterday).

have a great day, ladies!
Morning Mama's!
I slept a little better last night. Feels good to get up rested! And its a gorgeous day today. I"ll be going on a nice walk today.
Ijust got done with an OLD firm workout. Im about burned out a little on Jari and wasnt in a Cathe mood.soooo. It was a nice change.

Melanie-so glad you are not spotting!!!! and you pooped...yaayyyyy! Have a nice day off!

Jen-awww now youre no fun..waaa. HA. Advil is my choice of pain reliever..but I guess Tylenol will have to do for a few more months. Brownie and ice cream is my all time fav!

Dawn-glad you are feeling so good!! and good job on the workout! I have been feeling little flutters too.

Wendy-I think you are just needed it!! Let us know how your appt goes tomorrow! I have my big u/s tomorrow!

Im headed to the shower and then run errands and keep busy. I"ll bbl to check on you gals!
Thanks Melanie!! Im excited about it! I try not to worry too much...but I take after ny Nana and I fret about everything!
Dawn- I have felt flutters but I wasn't sure what it was. Someone told me it was gas but I know the difference between my gas and those flutters I felt. I wonder now if it is baby???

Melanie- Hooray for no spotting and for your BM! What a relief! :)

Wendy- That is cute about the baby and your DD. I hope what flutters I have felt get stronger.

Well I spent the morning at work online researching baby products and writing down things I like. I have been feeling so overwhelmed with everything the baby needs that I figured I would start researching and reading so I won't stress as much when I go to register. BTW, when is a good time to start registering for regular stuff (not gender related)?
Well, I have been missing out a lot here.

Today is my day off, I'll see my Dr today for a check up and on wednesday for an ultrasound. I'm wondering if I'll get just a regular US or vaginal at 11 and a half weeks?

Melanie, I'm not sure about the gender test and twins LOL but here's the website
By the way, Yes I still vomit from time to time with Zofran, specially fisrt thing in the morning before I actually take it, but it works like a charm Doesn't i?
So glad you were able to get rid of that huge orange! and YEAH for not spotting lately!

Susan, I too want to see the pics of the US. If I get one on wednesday, I'll post mine as well. By the way, we all have our weak moments, I have been eating ice cream non stop!

Jen, I hope your legs are recovering! When did you start feeling flutters? I must have missed when you said it. I can wait to feel my little one

Dawn, I'm looking forward to feel great as you're feeling and work out again. I'm feeling much better than a month ago though!

Wendy, I'm glad to hear from you!

Hi Christine, Allison, Cee (I hope I didn't miss anyone)
Ice cream (and dairy) gives my heartburn. :(

Precilla, I can count on my first breakfast coming up,...with or without Zofran. But Zofran has definitely cut my vomiting down significantly. I actually have a period mid-day where I feel 1/2 way normal! I'm so excited to see your u/s pic too!!!!

How about major fatigue/dizziness? Anyone else sleep close to 18 hrs/day?!?!? LOL
Precilla, is this your first u/s? How exciting! My next u/s is June 16th---I'll be 14 weeks along & they said I don't even have to have a full bladder. I think transabdominal will probably be good---unless they need to see things more clearer....
Oh I forgot, I went to Motherhood maternity on saturday and got me few maternity pants. I have been using safety pins with my old pants and it's just plin unconfortable (considering the # of times I have to pee a day)

Jen, I agree with you, I tried different styles and I like their perfect fit or smart fit that you can fold over your waist or get over your belly. They have capris too!
Melanie, this is actually my third. They did one the first time I went to the ER just to see if the baby was in forming fine or to rule out ectopic pregnancy. Then I went two weeks ago and my Dr did one to see if there was a HR before scheduling the rest of the appointments, but the 2 of them were vaginal and I just want to get the abdominal one this time. My mother in law will be around and I just prefer to have the abdominal one this time if you know what I mean.
At 14 weeks I would think you can get the abdominal one, dont you? A newbie here LOL
I was lucky this time around and didnt have to have a vaginal u/s at all. When I went in at 7 weeks she tried transab first and got a good look.
Pricilla surely at 11 youll get the transab u/s. Im looking forward to seeing your pics!

When I felt so sick and yucky the first couple months ice cream and anything sweet gagged me..Im glad I don't feel sick but wish I didnt want anything sweet!!!

Can eating too many sweets make gest diabetes more of a chance? With Haley I failed the test and had to go on a special diet for only 2 weeks..then I was cleared. I usually have pretty low b/s. I have to eat every 2 or so hours to keep it up.

Jen-there is soooo much to get isnt there. I have nothing left from Haley..I got rid of it a few years ago....knowing I would want new stuf if I had another. I do wish I hadnt given her crib away..I loved it...but at the time really thought we were done.

Melanie-I just cannot imagine throwing up everyday..bless your heart. I am not a "vomiter" and truly dispise it! Hang in there!

Been puttering around the house doing this and that. I have the house all opened up ..there is a nice cool breeze..ahhh.
Melanie, this is actually my third. They did one the first time I went to the ER just to see if the baby was in forming fine or to rule out ectopic pregnancy. Then I went two weeks ago and my Dr did one to see if there was a HR before scheduling the rest of the appointments, but the 2 of them were vaginal and I just want to get the abdominal one this time. My mother in law will be around and I just prefer to have the abdominal one this time if you know what I mean.
At 14 weeks I would think you can get the abdominal one, dont you? A newbie here LOL

I think you should be able to have an abd. one this time. I have a retroflexed uterus - so my uterus is flexed toward my back - and I know they did a abd. u/s in the first tri, and we could see my lil man just fine.

I know I dreaded those vaginal u/s. They aren't awful for anyone reading this who may have one someday - but I had many of them during my clomid and follistim days - I called the u/s machine my boyfriend and told the tech I felt like I needed to smoke afterwards. :D I'm not a smoker but that machine "knew" me if ya KWIM ;).

Happy my preggo buddies are doing well! Take care ladies! I'm off here to go get a massage. Toodles...

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