

New Member
Hey everyone!!

I have some questions. I work out 6 days a week. I rotate your Legs tape, chest/shoulders/triceps, back/biceps/abs (twice a week - one each day w/first 30 minutes of your body max tape (for cario). I don't do cardio on leg day. But I am seeing little results as far as definition. Granted, I don't want to look like a body builder but I would like to have arms like the Friends chics (Jennifer and Courtney). I really don't watch what I eat that much. Do you have any suggestions on how I can start seeing some definition? Thank you.
I think you answered your own question: "I really don't watch what I eat that much" (unless I misinterpreted that sentence).

You really have to pay attention to your nutrition!

About 8 years ago, I was at a similar weight to where I am now, maybe a little higher, and doing a lot of aerobics and weight training. In fact, I could lift more weight than I can now. But I could never see my muscles, since they were covered with a signicant fat layer.

This is the first time I've paid attention to good nutrition and less fat in my diet, and the first time I've started to see my biceps starting to emerge, as well as my delts and *gasp* obliques! So, I really believe you do need to watch what you eat if you want definition.

I really doubt I'll ever look like those ridiculously thin (IMO) Friends girls and have no ambition too, but I sure wouldn't mind looking like Cathe!

Well, I would like to look like Cathe too, but don't think it's possible for me to ever look like her. So, you think that my workouts are good but that it's just my nutrition? I have tried everything!! I tried the Atkins diet, diet pills, counting calories and nothing seems to work for me. I guess I don't have enough will power to do those things. Can you make any suggestions to help me? I would appreciate any help you can give me. Desperate!! Thank you, Lorrie
Well, I don't think I'll *ever* look like Cathe either ;-) but she's certainly more my ideal than tv stars and cover girls.

Anyway - you might want to do a search here for nutrition - there are people here FAR more knowledgeable and experienced than I am in that regard.

For myself, I didn't do anything fancy, basically tried to follow the Health Canada guidelines of 55-60% carbs, no more than 30% fat (actually I aimed more for 20-25), and the rest protein. I did join an on-line weight management program to help me stay on track (there are numerous ones!) and it did help. I learned a lot about portion control and cut back on eating out (pizza every Friday night, eggs benedict every Saturday morning, McDonalds once a week) and junk food (yep, that Costco size bag of Ruffles on the weekend). I'm sure your eating habits aren't as appalling as mine were... but you may want to have a look and see where you can limit unnecessary sugars and fats and can add high-nutrient foods.

Think of it as a lifetime journey of learning healthy eating patterns, and finding the best foods to fuel your body and you will probably find the rest will follow! :-jumpy

best wishes,

One does have to eat a healthful diet to maximize results. It doesn't have to be a "diet" just healthful eating at an appropriate calorie level.

A thought on the workout side of the equation. How long has it been since you shook up your workouts? Cathe keeps telling us to give it a jolt occasionally. Your post indicates you're doing the same 30 minutes of cardio everyday - you'd benefit from more variety. You can get lots of rotation ideas from the other forum users or from Cathe. She's offered many great plateau busters on the "Ask Cathe" forum (do a search).

Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, but IMO Anniston & Cox are bony not sculpted. Personally I admire lean muscled physiques like Cathe's & Marion Jones'. I'm not under the delusion that I could look like them, I just find them inspiring.
and a compliment

Doing the PS series twice a week is impressive & something to be proud of. Sorry for focusing on the role models on my first post - I was in shock that someone might consider them fitness role models.
RE: and a compliment

I do need to shake up my workout because it is getting menotanus (sp?) And that's when I start getting discouraged. Hey!! I understand about the FRIENDS comment. It's nice to hear that the real people don't envy non-real people. So, by what I've read in the other postings, it seems that we should rotate our workout every 5 weeks. Is that right?
It's nice to be able to talk to other fitness fanatics. Any suggestions to help a spouse get motivated to work out?

Your fitness friend,
My first Cathe video was Maximum Intensity Cardio. (I very quickly turned around and ordered the wedding video!!! LOL)
Anyway, my inspiration since I first attempted MIC has been Cedie. In my opinion, she has the most perfect female figure.
My husband agrees with me. I really have missed her in the latest videos! Hope to see her in the next videos.

Hey, Lisa--

MIC was my first Cathe too. I had the MOST fun learning the steps. It was the first step tape I'd ever attempted, I had never done any kind of step before that, except for Firm step which of course isn't the same thing! I really have never enjoyed learning a new form of exercise as much as I loved the couple of days I spent working on learning that tape. What fun!!!
Wish I had a clue!

To give my spouse credit, he does plenty of cardio (cycling, running & walking) but no strength work, no stretching & no ab work. I've tried carrots & sticks, but no success. He feels I'm unsympathetic when he has lower back aches & he's right!

But here are a few ideas. If your guy is a couch potato, try some recreational activities rather than "workouts". Walk or ride bikes to Sunday breakfast, go for a short hike, take a martial arts or dancing class together, or play tennis. This would help your cross-training efforts too.

As far as rotations go, Cathe usually suggests 6 to 8 weeks. There's a recent post on the Ask Cathe forum that's on target (read Cathe's response).

If you find the key to motivating the spouse, do share!
RE: Wish I had a clue!

Wow!! That's great your spouse does all that. The only problem is my husband is an electrician so he is on his feet all day long and doesn't feel like doing anything once he does gets home. I find that if I nag him he really won't do anything but, if I leave him alone he forgets. We do have a Total Gym which I got bored with but he says he will use.
It's so hard to get motivated as far as eating habits when your spouse eats whatever he wants. We did try the Atkins diet and starting losing weight and then started gaining it back (when we were still on it religously). We thought of trying the Bio-slim or even that EAS advantage program. Will power works for a little while but then I just give up.
I did forget to mention that my husband quit smoking almost 2 years ago so that is alot of where the weight is on him. I'm just thankful that he quit.

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