Rotation question--sore muscles


Hi Cathe! I love the DVDs and I am so excited about the rotation but I have a question: How do you challenge yourself without being sore the next day? I don't mind the soreness at all, but is it counterproductive to work a muscle that is still sore? For example, I did PUB yesterday, and my chest and arms are pleasantly sore. But today is supposed to be Boot Camp, which has upper body work. Is there any benefit to working a muscle that is still sore? I really really want to do this rotation because I know it does wonders but I wonder if I am doing something wrong. Could be a problem with my diet? Or am I not stretching enough? (I should mention that I have been doing your workouts for a while so I know it isn't just a breaking in period.) I would so appreciate your advice . . .

Hey, Frances,

Just want to say that I am also very surprised to find my triceps very sore today after doing PUB yesterday. I've done a lot of strength training in the last 6 mos. with PS, S&H, PH and MIS and have never been sore before! I am really surprised and don't know what to make of it. I may have overdone it a bit.

I hope you get your response from Cathe. Does the rotation really call for Boot Camp the day after PUB? Frankly, some of these rotations make no sense to me, but I'm not very knowledgeable.
I would LOVE to see Cathe's opinion on this topic. I have just started the BFL program which promotes true recovery between workouts. I can't wait to see if I have better results. I have only been doing the BFL since last week and it is amazing how much more recovered I am between workouts and how I can actually lift more and put more into my workout because of the break between muscle groups/days.
Hi Frances! You sound very excited to get started but remember as with any new rotation, you have to ease into it and let your body get acclimated to the workouts first. So initially, I suggest not diving into the rotation and instead do it in the order intended but with maybe an extra day (or even two days if you are that sore)between the workouts. Eventually you will get past that initial extreme soreness and be able to start doing the workouts day to day. In the meantime while you are in that extremely sore mode, take a couple of advil, a warm bath, and do some light stretching each day. Also, do a longer warm up and longer cooldown during this time. Take Care:)

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