Rotation order


I am hoping someone can help me make a decision. I am getting back into working out after 2 years away and I am not sure what wieght rotation would be best. My focus at the moment is on fat loss. I currently do 30-60 minutes of cardio every morning and weight training in the afternoon. I also eat clean for the most part and am seeing good results so far. I need a new weight rotation and am wondering which way I should rotate my videos.

This may sound silly to some but this is what I am struggling with:
I know building muscle will burn more calories. However,I gain muscle mass easily. I am concerned that if I bulk up(get bigger)to much at first while trying to lose fat(get smaller)I will get discouraged.(I know myself well!)I have had a hard time getting motivated and am finally on the workout wagon and don't want to fall off.

I am not sure if I should do rotations with MIS/Powerhour then PS followed by S&H or S&H then PS followed by MIS/Powerhour or some other way all together.

What do you all think?

Thank you,
I would start with mis/power hour if you already tend to bulk up easily. I think you're right that the initial swelling of ps/sh would mess with your mind.

Cyberfit had a great post a few weeks ago about building muscle. In fact I bought the book she was quoting, it's called More Muscle by Jim Sprague.

In a nutshell, you cannot lose fat and build muscle at the same time. Losing fat requires a calorie deficit and the body won't spend its resources on building muscle when it's in a calorie deficit. But it can appear that your muscles are growing because the exercise will pump up fibers that you already have.
So it's still worthwhile to use weights while you're trying to lose fat. You can diet off the fat and keep your current level of muscle if you do it slowly, 1-2 lbs a week.

I'm doing a human experiment this month, eating a little more and lifting heavy and my strength has shot up for every body part, but I feel big and swollen, so I'm not sure how long I can stand it. I'm thinking I'll hang in here with this for 4-6 weeks and then try to have a very slow weight loss, to lose the fat that is inevitably put on with the muscle.

I don't think anybody likes to puff up...but then Cathe and the gang are all so compact, and they lift really heavy.
I think I will start with the MIS/Powerhour rotation and work up from there. That was my first thought but always value input from everyone here to make sure that I am on the right track!

I had very good results with MIS and PS in the past but have not had a chance to do a S&H rotation yet. After reading results others have posted, I am not sure what to expect from my body.

Thank you for the informamtion and the tip on the book. I borrowed it from the library tonight and am looking forward to reading it.


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