Rotation Help!!


I need help creating a rotation and I'm having trouble deciding how to pair up my DVD's. I have the following Cathe DVD's

IS Series
Body Blast KPC and SS/PP
Pure Strength
Power Hour +

My goals are to burn lots of fat and gain strength and firm up my body. I'm an Apple shape. My legs are on the thin side so I'm more interested in toning my upper body at this point. Any suggestions?

Based on your video selection and your goals, I might do the following rotation on a 10-day cycle for a few weeks and see how it works out:

Day 1: MIS Upper Body or PS C/S/T & B/B/A
Day 2: Pyramid Lower Body or Leaner Legs
Day 3: IMax 2
Day 4: Cardio & Weights or BootCamp
Day 5: Rest
Day 6: MIS Upper Body or PS C/S/T & B/B/A
Day 7: CTX 10/10/10 cardio only & go for a 20-minute brisk walk/jog
Day 8: KPC
Day 9: Rest or yoga/stretching
Day 10: Power Hour

I think this will help you build upper body strength and keep your naturally thin legs firm, but thin. Also, there is enough cardio (4 days out of 10, plus two other workouts [Days 2 & 10] that will really get your heart rate up and burn calories and fat).

Good luck!
I'm an apple too. I think you'll be cheating yourself if you don't give your lower body equal emphais with your upper. You want to burn fat, so lay down muscle on the largest muscle group-the legs. Mine are naturally thin also but they are hard and defined. You most likely won't bulk up but toned, muscled legs are the bomb! I would do something like this with the workouts you have:

PS Chest/Shoulders/Triceps
CTX Power Circuit
PS Back/Biceps/Abs
CTX Step & Intervals
PS Strong Legs & Abs
CTX 10-10-10

Cardio & Weights
Power Hour
Step Blast

PS Chest/Shoulders/Triceps
CTX Power Circuit
PS Back/Biceps/Abs
CTX Step & Intervals
PS Strong Legs & Abs
CTX 10-10-10

Super Sets
CTX All Step
Push Pull
CTX Kickbox

CTX as a series

Bobbi "Chick's rule!"

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