Rotation for cellulite and posture improvement


I am new to Cathe, but not to exercise. I have been so impressed by her DVDs as well as all the information I have gained by looking at these forums. I was hoping someone had advice for a rotation that would help me get rid of, or at least reduce, cellulite (thighs and butt), as well as a rotation for posture improvement. The more kick-ass, the better. I have purchased several of the Cathe DVDs already, but will purchase any that will help me with these problems. Thank you all!!!:)
There is a great rotation - I believe it's the August Boot Camp (I think it's '04)- be ready to spend an hour and a half most days. But it's tough..may be just what you're looking for!!!}(
Boot camp is super tough! I just finished it about 2 weeks ago. There's lots or walking lunges that, for sure, will tighten up that cellulite. That along with eating clean really helped decrease my cellulite.

I found it...Aug. '05. Woooah!!! Sounds like a killer! 400 walking lunges??!!! OMG! Can't wait to try this. My son just finished Army basic training, and he says there's no way (he's 21, I'm 53). Well, I'll show him!!! Thank you sooooooo very much. Now I just need something to improve the posture.
I'm 40 - I didn't think I could do it, but I did - and YOU CAN TOO!:7

I'm doing P90X right now. I've found with the strength gains and being very aware of holding my shoulders back (I sit all day at a desk job and am very bad at slouching) has made a big difference.

But again, something about all the upper body strength and training has really helped me alot!

Have fun - I think you will see great results from this! Drink lots of water and eat clean!!!!:D
I've seen the title P90X, but am not sure what that stands for. Could you enlighten me? Also, Boot Camp calls for Imax One. I found Imax 2 and 3, but can't seem to find one. Is there another name for it? And again, thanks so much for taking time out to answer my questions!
If I'm wrong somebody please correct me.....

90=90 day workout plan

Look for Interval Max. It's pretty repetitious, but I get a good sweat out of it every single time!!!}( In my opinion IMAX 3 is super tough so I always subbed that one.

And you're very welcome - I'd love to hear how you like the rotation!!

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