Rotation for an Hourglass


Active Member
Hi all. I was wondering if anyone knows of a great rotation for an hourglass trying to lose a substantial amount of weight (60 lbs.). I would love to hear any and all suggestions.

I'm no expert at rotations. But I am an hourglass who finally managed to get to her goal weight through trial and error. These are some of things that give me faster results and I plan my rotations accordingly (most of them are really obvious) - alternating b'ween rotations that concentrate on strength and then stamina . For e.g. for 4 weeks I go heavy with the weights (e.g PS or S&H once a week with around 3 sessions of cardio) and then I follow it up with a rotation that has more endurance based workouts (MIC, MIS, BodyMax etc). I find that my body remains challenged and I can focus on building muscle and then burning some fat. I also find that doing atleast one interval type tape per week helps drive my weight down. Finally a really effective way to help weight loss is to add walking to your exercise regime. I discovered that by eating a light supper early and then going for a 30 min brisk walk works like an extra cardio session. I've noticed a marked improvement in my waist and hip measurements through doing this. Hope that helps and best of luck!
Thanks so much! I think I will try this method out. I believe I am going to start off with doing MIS and PH three times per week for a few weeks, then a week of PS with one of either MIS or PH, then make sure I get in adequate cardio. Then in the evenings I may do my walking. Thanks again!!

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