Rotaion before Going Home


Hello Everyone
I need help to put together the rotation from DVDs that I have but before I tell you what I have, I need to explain why going back home is so important to me.
I don't go home every year, it is far and cost a lots. However this time I will have to go back to Thailand for few months around the end of February to be with my mother for her hip surgery. With all the things that I need to prepare to do, one more thing that kind of worry me. My family could be really really harsh on me, they are afraid to say right in front of my face that I'm fat or don't look good. Actually not only my family, my friends and people who don't really know me that well feel absolutely nothing in saying those kind of things.
And as anyone can imagine, it is stressful to be there eventhough I miss my family and friends and want enjoy the moment there.
So any ideas would be great. Here is the DVD. I have so far, by the way I think I'm intermediate who haven't exercised for a while. My knees couldn't have so much of high impact. I don't know how much I want to lose, I only know if I start exercise by Cathe's DVDs today. By the time that I go back (the end of February) , I should look good and feel good enough about myself.

Here what I have:
Cross Train Xpress Series
Power Hour
Body Max
Pyramid Lower body
Pyramid Upper body
Pure Strength series

High Step Circuit
Circuit Max

Imax 2
Step Blast
Low Max
Cardio Hits
Low Impact Step
Basic Step
Body Fusion
Cardio Kicks

Again I welcome all the responses. Thanks

I'm not great at developing rotations but you should post this in the Rotations section. There are some who are great at developing rotations and I'm sure they'd be more than happy to help. Also, you may want to post your goals - lose weight, gain muscle, etc.

You also may want to look through the various rotations listed and be sure to check out the list of rotations that Cathe has posted. I think they are organized by month and goals. If you don't have a particular workout I'm sure you can substitute one you already have. Good luck and have a wonderful, safe trip and remember that the only person who needs to be happy with you ---is you.:)
Hi Jantarat,

I completely understand how you feel, and how people back home reacts. I am from Malaysia myself and I am also going home in February. I understand how people there are so slim and lean even though they eat like 6 or 7 meals a day, and when they see muscular or toned women, these women are not healthy -- they are BIG.

Well, anyway, for myself, I already exercise a lot. So, I think the biggest impact is to eat clean ! Watch your diet, as I think that will give you the best visible results, at least from the point of view of people back home.

Good luck !
Hi Wendy
Thank you for your suggestions, I might post it again at the rotation forum but I'm not sure.
However thanks for your kind word. I will try to remember that.

You make me feel less alone. It is great to have someone else knows exactly about what kind of attitude that I have endured. About eating clean, I agree that it is very important part. I thank you though for mention it. For me it is so hard to eat clean, I don't have much of junk food but I do not eat real clean. May be I will do this time so I might get the result that I want to.


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