

Active Member
Hi everybody,

I was wondering if anybody here ever had rosacea. I have a very mild case with a little redness in my cheeks. it seems to only come out in the winter when my skin is so dry:( I am going to the dermatologist in a few weeks but was wondering if anybody knew of any products over the counter that worked for them. Thanks in advance.

Hi Jen!

I had rosacea and adult acne. I tried antibiotics and prescription gels (Metrogel) without much success. I saw an ad for Proactiv acne solution and gave it a try. It cleared up both the acne and rosacea for me. I have been using it for about 5 years now and still love it. I think the company offers a 60 day trial period, so that you can see if it works for you!
Hey Jen,
I too have acne and rosacea as the previous poster but I am allergic to almost every oral antibiotic under the sun so I am on clyndomiocin antibiotic cream and retin-A. It was working ok for the rosacea but nothing to brag about. I then read an article by a dermatologist who recommends Olay's Total Effects for rosacea because it contains a B vitamin that helps control rosacea. I have been using it for about 2 months now and I hardly ever breakout in rosacea bumps anymore! Too bad I can't say that about the acne....

Just another option out there for you!


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