Rollercoaster :)


Guess what? My HCG levels went up over 1000X!!!!!!!!!!!!! I"m in total awe!!! I have an u/s scheduled for next Monday. My HCG level was 3000. I'm not really sure what to think!!!!
Melanie-talk about a rollercoaster!!!!! My fingers are soooo crossed for you! Do you go back in 48 hours to check levels?
I'm combining threads. :D

I ovulated later in my cycle which would have put me at only 4 weeks when I went in (would have been really hard to find on ultrasound,especially older ones they have in town)

Yes. This is why serial HCG levels are helpful in early pregnancy.

If my HCG was only 2.125 and home pg tests can detect as low as 30...why am I still testing strong positives?

I should have discussed this with you earlier, but I have been a little self-absorbed. :eek: Did you have a positive HPT the same say your HCG was 2.125?

Doctor didn't ask me if I had other children, my cervix will be slightly open from having my other children (doesn't close completely)....and I know he's an MD....but he's not an ob/gyn.

Even in multips, the cervix is closed with a very noticeable mucus plug. Did the doctor look at your cervix? But, he isn't an ob/gyn so that may be the difference.

I still have morning sickness symptoms (vomiting, dizziness, insomnia, heartburn, crabbiness) & it's getting stronger...not waning at all

This and your HCG levels are certainly encouraging. I will continue to pray for you and your lil one! We'll talk more later..... if the weather and internet cooperate.
Thanks everyone. I"m trying not to get excited (but it's not working) :p

Autumn, I used a HPT the day I had a low HCG level ~2. He did check my cervix & told me it was open. Last night when I checked the HPT, it was much darker & responded positive faster.

There's no possible way we've gotten re-pregnant (is that a word?) because we haven't had sex since conception. I have zero libido when pg :eek:
Autumn, I used a HPT the day I had a low HCG level ~2. He did check my cervix & told me it was open. Last night when I checked the HPT, it was much darker & responded positive faster.

There's no possible way we've gotten re-pregnant (is that a word?) because we haven't had sex since conception. I have zero libido when pg :eek:

So a HPT was positive with an HCG of ~2? I wonder if the serum result was accurate..... I know that sounds absurd.

Did he palpate the cervix and/or visualize it?

Re-pregnant is now a word... at least on this here thread. :p

I am off to a WW weigh in but will be back later.

I don't know very many of us who wouldn't be cautiously excited.
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Autumn, I think the MD used a little flashlight & the clamps they use to get up in there. lol I don't recall him acutally palpitating my cervix. I do feel a little sore down there....but probably from all the toliet paper wiping to exam/scrutinize for any blood/mucous.
Wow! Talk about a roller coaster sweetie! I am keeping you in all my thoughts and prayers. I don't want to get too excited for you just yet but I have a really good feeling. It's so hard not to get excited!
Autumn, I think the MD used a little flashlight & the clamps they use to get up in there. lol I don't recall him acutally palpitating my cervix. I do feel a little sore down there....but probably from all the toliet paper wiping to exam/scrutinize for any blood/mucous.

Be gentle Melanie.... gentle. :p

Ok, so he used a speculum.

Are you going to repeat the HCG before the u/s?

Oh, gotta need me which I am sure is only b/c I'm on here. :)
Melanie- I'm just throwing this out there but is it possible that you just had implantation spotting because according to this only 50% of sacs can be seen if the HcG is under 1000. When was your HCG level checked and when was the ultrasound?

Here's some info I found:
Regarding hCG levels and its relationship to ultrasound, the discriminatory zone is the level of (beta)-hCG associated with ultrasonographic evidence of an intrauterine sac in a woman with a normal intrauterine pregnancy. With conventional abdominal ultrasonography, the discriminatory zone is 6500 mIU per milliliter. On the other hand, with vaginal ultrasonography, which increases the resolution because of the closer proximity to the involved tissue, the level drops to 2800 mIU per milliliter. At a (beta)-hCG level of 1000 mIU per milliliter, 50 percent of intrauterine sacs will be seen

I think about you alot and I'm wishing you the best.
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My first HCG & Ultrasounds were performed the same day.....which I had a + HPT, brown scanty discharge, and HCG ~2 (which I now believe was faulty).

I will have a HCG level drawn prior to u/s....and have dr order some progesterone tablets in the meantime (we don't have access to vaginal suppositories where I am geographically). I am also working on an ob/gyn referral so I can be seen before I'm 11-weeks along. I cannot imagine waiting another 6 weeks to see a dr!!!

I had my first full nights sleep in over a week. Felt wonderful!
Oh man, I'm praying for you!!


I'm praying... - I'm excited for you!!!...keep up the good thoughts!!

talk to you soon!

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