ROFL at myself


For those of you who know me, I'm always trying to get my DH to eat healthier (despite that he never listens to me :( ).

We were just in the supermarket, shopping separately, but checking out together. On the check-out conveyer belt I see a package of beef sausage. I pick it up and start reading the ingredients and lecturing. In the middle of my rant, my DH says "that's not ours". I look closer and see that among all the groceries there is a barely visible divider separating our stuff from the stuff of the woman ahead of us. So I'm basically touching, handling and criticizing A STRANGER'S GROCERIES. Talk about a nagging wife!! :7 :+ :7 :+ :7 :+
THAT'S funny! :) I wonder if she'll think a little differently when she is eating it? If she heard you, that is. I'm seeing a new TV show where you go around and critique how healthy/unhealthy the food is that people have on the conveyor belts at the checkout at the grocery store.


We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment of animals. -- Immanuel Kant (1724-1804)
Fortunately, she did not seem to hear or see me. Her credit card wasn't going through and she was deep in conversation with the check-out woman.
Whew!! ;)
<I'm seeing a new TV show where you go around and critique how healthy/unhealthy the food is that people have on the conveyor belts at the checkout at the grocery store.>

I'd like to watch the show where the critiquee stuffs the critiquer, head first, in the garbage can in the grocery store parking lot (except for Nancy of course)
><I'm seeing a new TV show where you go around and critique
>how healthy/unhealthy the food is that people have on the
>conveyor belts at the checkout at the grocery store.>
>I'd like to watch the show where the critiquee stuffs the
>critiquer, head first, in the garbage can in the grocery
>store parking lot (except for Nancy of course)

Gee, thanks Beavs. :p
Hilarious, yet mortifying all at the same time:p :p :p If your DH is anything like mine he'd never let me live that one down:D
>Tsk, tsk, Nancy! Handling a stranger's sausage like that! }(
>;-) :7

Oh my...heaven forbid.....Cathy you have me LMAO....[/img]

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