Rock Bottoms Thur 6/8


Morning Ladies,

Today I will be doing a 3 mile run, CTX Upper Body, and BBW. I agree that the BBW is a very effective. I wonder if this is a preview of what the Butt's and Guts work out might be like. ;-) I have been trying to use a challenging weight with the barbell, so maybe that is why I'm feeling the burn afterwards.

Softball team lost 18-0. We are sooooo bad!

Have a great day!

Good morning!

Today starts week 2 of the challenge for me. I'm doing Imax2 and 300 walking lunges this morning after biking my daughter to school.

Have a fantastic day!
Hi Laurie and Alhambra

Laurie at least you have fun playing softball, right?

I'm on day 4 of the rotation and will be subbing MM upper body and then onto BBW when I workout later. I had a long, hot epsom bath soak last night for lingering DOMS in preparation for today's workout.:)

I'll report back when I complete my workout, just to keep myself honest.

Pleasant afternoon all.
Imax2 felt fantastic. It's amazing the difference it makes that my cold is finally gone (it held on for 7 weeks).
The walking lunges were assisted by listening to Cyndi Lauper...kept me moving.
No leg DOMS for me yet...I'm hoping I'll get some later this week.
Today was Cardio Kicks and CoreMax #1. I really felt my back and triceps on those punches!!! DOMS from yesterday's upper body w/o!! I also have DOMS in my glutes.

It made me laugh at the end of Cardio Kicks when we were doing those drills, Cathe says "with all this upper body and core work, we don't need to do abs after this"!! LOL... I thought.. then why are you having me do Core Max!!

So far so good, I'll see how I do on that BBW tomorrow with a sore butt.

ETA - Melody, I liked that substitution of MM UB for CTX. Tomorrow I think I will do an upper body premix from Super Sets.
I'm glad to hear everyone's still squeezing those glutes.:)

I did the MM upper body premix and BBW a little while ago. I'm going out of town tomorrow for the day and probably won't be back until late and will have to decide how to make up the w/o or alter the rotation to keep on track.

Alhambra, glad you're finally rid of that cold. Take care.

Night all.
Jane, I had to laugh at your post. I had some of the exact same thoughts. Man, I can feel DOMS in my arms during cardio kicks and then about not needing to do ab work after.

I agree the BBW is a challenge.

Today, I did the CTX arm work out and BBW. Looking forward to Rhythmic Step tomorrow as haven't done that one in a while.:)

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