Rock Bottoms Rotation June 1


Well I'm going to see if I can stick with this rotation for the entire month. I managed to do the first two weeks of the May rotation and then lost momentum.
I did Circuit Max yesterday so doing IMAX today should work well. I think I'll put on Cyndi Lauper for the walking lunges.
Have a great day everyone!

I will be doing this rotation also, but I've decided to start my first day on Monday. I'm going to try the BBW out tonight though, just to see how it feels. :D I've incorporated some of the Thursday rotation into my workout for today. So after work it will be 3 Mile Interval Run / CTX Upper Body / BBW.

I'm looking forward to a rock bottom!

Hi -

I'm going to do this rotation. I'll have to make some substitions along the way for a couple of DVDs I don't have - yet.:) I'll be doing week 2 first while waiting for my order with RS/IMAX to arrive next week.

I'm also starting on Monday. I sometimes have ADD with rotations, but I think the variety of this one will hold my attention.
Well I did day 1 this morning. It took 75 minutes. My quads were shaking by the end of the walking lunges. I did the last 50 lunges karate did that up the intensity!

Laurie I too am looking forward to a rock bottom.
I believe I am going to follow this one this month ago. Haven't followed a rotation since the February one. I'll also start on Monday.
I would love to join in and do this rotation. I'll start on Monday as well. Just got in late last night on the plane from a week away, business trip to Montreal. Need to do lots of family time this weekend. Kim

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