Road Trippers 4/3


Well, here I am again - still no personals, I thank everyone for their personal message to me but I have an idea - for those of us who don't have a lot of time for personals but want to get to know everyone (I will have time Friday however because I will be off work!!)maybe we should just put a little blurp in our post to tell about we can get to know each other a little better!!!

I am imagining it like this:
...I love to wear Audrey Hepburn style clothes!!! or something or other....this is mine for today!

You guys are so right about listening to the body....mine is not cooperating this week.....

I have a doctor appointment today, fasted blood no breakfast.....I am really hungry too!! I am anxious to get my results from this - oh and I got 6 hours of sleep last night, that is a real plus for me lately

Workout for today: - this is my short day and I usually add ab/core work but this week I am unusually tired....
Itread 13 intervals, fast flat run, 6 sprints, 6 recoveries, 1.72 miles, 25.02 minutes, 230 calories burned HR 78% average, 98% max

Nutrition for Today low day 2
Not sure what I am doing here....I have doctor appointment this morning at 9:00 and have to fast water only since when I get out probably an orange and some cheese
This week is Holy Week and the churches in our area put on a little mini sermon and luncheon at lunch and I will be attending all week. Don't know what they are having but I will eat light and clean - I am sure
afternoon I will have a fruit smoothie and dinner I am not sure, depends on what i have at lunch!

Water - planned - a gallon, one quarts down already!!!

I really need to make time for personals but I am late again....
Hello Road Trippers:)
I started a new rotation this month, just finished Cathe's Dec 06 rotation with great results! I started Fitnessfreaks muscle building and defining rotation. Did this one last summer with awesome results;)

Today is S&H Back and Muscle Endurance Back then cardio.

Kathy I hate having to fast like that I bet your starving! Great workout you have planned today!

I will be back later to chit chat:) Off to work...
Have a great day Everyone!
Morning trippers. Hope everyone is doing well this morning.

Kathy - Sending <<<good vibes>>> your way for your doc appt. Hope all goes well - I also hate that fasting - usually because I try not to eat after like 5:00 pm, so fasting for med tests makes me REALLY hungry!

Randi - I've always looked at Debbie's rotations (her transformation was so incredible!) but never done one - you got good results huh?

Phyllis - I also hate cold and we're set to get blasted with arctic air over the next few days. I'm hoping that 6 y.o. DD and I can get out for a 2-mile walk before the cold stuff hits. Their being on Spring Break this week is kind of throwing off my long training walks - oh well.

I did IMAX 3, GSC&T, and stability ball abs from B&G this morning. Still don't find IMAX 3 as high on the fun factor as 2. Will I get there? Or do most folks prefer 2?

Have a good Tuesday ladies and all who follow. Make it count!


I'll be walking the Komen 3-day (60 miles) the week after Cathe's RT. Here's my webpage.
Good morning roadtrippers! Isn't it August yet? The more I read about you fantastic gals the more I look forward to this :)
I couldn't post yesterday, it get's a little hard between 12 hr shifts.

Kathy- Please don't feel bad about lacking time for personals!!!!
There aren't any rules here. Post what you can and let us all enjoy reading about you and your day:) If you've been unusually tired lately I'm glad you're getting blood work done. I hope it includes a thyroid panel (Sorry for the nursey talk... I can't help it ;-) )

Randi- Hiya! I guess with your rotations you'll be showing off one buff bod at the RT:7

Phyllis- Count me in as a cold weather weenie also! I guess that's why I live in Arizona! Have a "blast" with your workout today.

Lorrie- WOW! What a workout day for you girl!! I am so impressed:eek:
I'm one of the few I guess who prefers IMAX3. I rarely do 2 in fact.
Surviving spring break so far?

Today will be BBC Total Body workout and later I'll get in a 40 minute Tempo run! I'm off tonight so I should be able to check in later!
Have a wonderful day y'all!

Good Morning Everyone!!!
Today I did another 5 mile interval run on the treadmill and then the ab section from KPC. I still struggle with the pikes on the ball. I always feel like I am going to fall over!:) I actually ate pretty clean yesterday and am planning on keeping it up. I'm going to start putting stickers on a calendar (similar to Cathe's calendar) for everyday I eat clean. If I have a lot of stickers at the end of the month, then I can treat myself to something. Hopefully, this will motivate me to stick with it.

Kathy-Do not feel bad about the personals!!!I hope your appointment goes well.

Lorrie-The intervals I do on the treadmill vary. Sometimes I just walk for one minute, run for four for about 40 minutes. Sometimes I do a more varied program. I get most of them from Shape magazine. Today I did walk 8 min, run 5 min, jog 5 min, sprint 45 sec, jog 2min 15 sec, and so on. I can give you the whole program if you want. I am with you about the cold weather. I am in Rochester and we are supposed to be getting snow too!!Snow in April is not my idea of spring.

Randi-I was looking at that Fitness Freak rotation after I am done with the one I am on now. I am psyched to hear that you got great results. Now I am definitely going to do that one next!

Phyllis-I like Imax 3. I think it is more like Imax 1 and Imax 2 is pretty different from those two. I do enjoy Imax 2, though!!

Shelly C.-What is a tempo run? I am always looking for different things to try with running.

I hope everyone has a wonderful day!!


Good Morning, RoadTrippers :) How is everyone?

Last night was Step Blast...I forgot how tough this one is! I was definitely drenched by the time I was done...That last blast gets me everytime...:)
Tonight is S&H Chest & Back, & 30 min run...since I don't run (too hard on my knees), I will do some form of other cardio...maybe Bar Method F/F -or- PowerStrike...
Eating went well yesterday - Dinner was, Grilled Chicken Breast & Salad...
B- Eggs, Bacon, few grapes & coffee
S- Apple
L- Chef Salad w/ Italian Dressing
S- EAS Lo-Carb Bar
D- ??

Annabelle2 - Don't beat yourself up on the personals, I normally never have time myself to do them. Hope everything goes well at your doctor's appt. this morning.

Randi - Great job on the Rotations!! I might have to check them out....May I ask what body type you are? I am a ECTO and have a really hard time building muscle, do you think these Rotations may help?

Phyllis - Good Luck w/ SB - as you can see I did that one yesterday, it kicked my rear ...:) I'm with you on the cold weather, I am glad it is finally getting a little warmer around here :)

Lorrie - I definitly don't find myself reaching for Imax 3 alot....mainly only when it is called in a Rotation. I don't have Imax 2, but I have heard this is much better. I do find the original Imax alot of fun, just did this one over the weekend!

ShellyC - I hope you have a nice workout...what is a Tempo Run?

Beth - WOW, a 5-mile interval run...I wish I could pick up running, but it hurts my knees. Maybe I will try again once I purchase a treadmill... I'm too afraid to try pikes on the ball, I am for sure I will fall over - I'm surprised I can stay on doing regular planks...:)

Off to work, I hope everyone has a nice day ~ Take Care :)
"Today is a Gift, Have Fun"

Good Morning RTers!

Today I did Jari Love's Ripped 1000. It was the first time that I had done this one. I KNOW I didn't burn anywhere near 1000 calories, yet it was a tough workout for me and I even did the modifications on several of the exercises. I would love to think that I would get results from this workout , but the fun factor just wasn't there for me like I find in Cathe's workouts!!

Have a great day all!
Hi Beth and Jennifer. A tempo run is a type of training run designed to increase speed and/or endurance. It basically involves a warm up and then sustaining a certain pace for 20, 30, or 40 minutes, then a cool down. There are variations of these. My favorite is a 10-10-10 version with a warm up of 5 min. Run at a moderately fast pace for 10 minutes, then a faster pace at 10 minutes, then back to the moderately fast pace for 10, then cool down for 5 minutes.

Kathy...what I hated most about fasting was no coffee!! Hope the Doctors appt goes well.

Randi...Fitnessfreaks rotations are tough...sounds like a good back workout today.

Phyllis...have fun with SB. I am with you on the cold. I don't do well in it and my DH is always warm.

Lorrie...I always liked Imax2 better than Imax3...that plie jack interval always kicks my butt!

Shelly....I hope its warm in NJ this Aug!! Have a great workout.

Beth...I find the pikes easier in KPC that PUB. There must be more in PUB!

Jennifer...good job on the clean eating! I did have some pita chips yesterday...but did well on my water intake.

I am a California girl thru and thru. I was raised in the LA area and moved to Northern Cal 2 days after I got married way back in 1980!

I am doing BBC Butt & legs, BM2 power circuit segments and 30 min on my Elliptical.
Goodmorning trippers.
Kathy, I like the idea of sharing something personal about ourselves each day. Let's see, let's see. Hmmmm. My DH and I will celebrating 30 years of marriage in May. He's my best friend (most of the time.) I WISH I could dress like Audrey Hepburn.

Randi, good luck with the rotation.

Phyllis, I can just see you working out with gloves. LOL. Do you have an autoimmune condition that makes you more sensitive to the cold?

Morning Lorrie. I'm not sure if I like IMAX 2 or 3 best. I guess it depends on the day. We are getting some of that arctic air over the end of the week.

ShellyC, how often do you have to work 12 hours days? Are you scheduled that way, or are they unexpected overtime hours? I think a 40 min tempo run would about kill me. Have fun.

Beth, I love the idea of clean eating stickers on the calender. I may have to incorporate that into my plan. I'm not sure if a gold star will help, but it sure can't hurt.

Jennifer, I'll be doing Step Blast tonight. That is one of my favorite workouts.

Gin, I got that Jari workout a couple weeks ago, but haven't tried it yet. When I previewed it, I had a hard time with her Barbie doll looks and breathy way of talking.

Have a good one all.
Hello all,
Well, I went ahead and ordered the gymstyles and muscle max last night...I can't wait until they are delivered. Then I can start Cathe's April rotation...yay!!!

Yesterday was a good eating day for junk and lots of vegetables! Today my planned workout is IMAX 2. I think it's fun, but it really gets me every time. I swear, by the end I can barely jump off the ground at all, my legs are so fried!!!

I was born and raised in CT and I am a total fashion junkie. If my house caught on fire I would have to save my cats and then go back for my wardrobe :) Of course, I'm assuming DH would get out on his own:)

Have an awesome day everyone!!!
Hi everyone! Hope you’re having a fantastic day so far. My eating has been clean and my workouts on schedule. I did Kimberly Spreen’s new one last night and I really liked it. I only did the kickboxing segments though. Next time I’ll have to try the combat intervals.

Kathy – I like the snippet idea too. I usually don’t have time for personals so this is a good idea. Mine is: I have 2 cats – a solid white Persian and a solid black domestic shorthair. Their names are Pookie & Zeus. They are the loves of my life. :)

Randi – I will have to check out that fitness freak rotation. I am looking for something to do after I finish Slim Series.

Beth – I love KPC abs! The pikes are hard to me too. I can only do about 3 or 4 of them and I can’t go all the way up but I love the burn I get from them.

Gin – Ripped 1000 is certainly a good workout, but it doesn’t really have the fun factor for me either. Maybe the cardio segments are just too boring.

Robin – Wow, 30 years! That is awesome. :7
Hi Ladies!

Today is KenpoX. Hopefully, I'll be able to kick decently. Legs&Back have my hamstrings crying! I can't wait till tomorrow. It's a much needed rest day.

My diet was better yesterday. I tallied up the calories to be around 1300. That includes my Dunkin Doughnuts coffee with extra cream. I'd like to decrease my carbs and up my protein intake. Baby steps...:)

Let's see, one thing about me. I already feel like an open book. I've had cosmetic surgery once in my lifetime. Only my hairdresser, best friend after dh, mother, sister, and dh knows where. ;-)

Have a great day!
Happy Tuesday everybody!!!

Kathy - I hate fasting for med tests, too. Hope everything turns out well for you!

Josie - You are too funny! You're going to love the GS series and MM. Great workouts.

Robin - 30 years. . . . WOW!!:eek: So does it seem like 30, or more like just a few? DH and I will celebrate 8 years on the 10th of this month and we often comment that it doesn't feel like it's been nearly that long.

Jennifer - I love SB, too. I seem to develop selective amnesia and forget about those blasts at the end, though. You'd think the name would clue me in, but nope, they get me every time!

Randi - Can't wait to hear your results from your new rotation. I'll have to go over to the rotations board and check it out.

Phyllis - I'm not a big fan of the cold either. I think the best thing about it is all the soft, fluffy blankets you get to snuggle up in.

Lorrie - You are one tough lady doing all that in one workout!

Shelly - Your tempo runs sound exactly the way I've been approaching running. Didn't know it had a name until now. Thanks!

Beth - Those pikes are tough! There's a funny thread over in Video and DVD Questions and Comments that started with someone posting about tipping all the way over doing pikes.

Gin - I've never done any of Jari's workouts. Not sure how I've resisted the temptation to buy, but I have.

Tess - Good job on eating clean. That is not always easy for sure!

Carole - WOW!! What a workout. My lower body would be fried if I did that!

Belinda - Hope you have fun with Step Blast. I have that coming up in my rotation later this month.

6Swans4me - Now you know everyone on the RT is going to be checking you out to see if we can spot where your procedure was done!

This morning was Circuit Max for me. I forgot how tough that one is. }( I had to hang my sports bra up to dry out before I put it in the wash - it was completely drenched!

Something personal about me - I am addicted to flip flops. I have about 10 pairs at home and like 30 pairs at the weekend place on the bay. People laugh when the come in the door at the bay house because there are usually 6-8 pairs of flip flops lined up by the door. :p They have to match the outfit and the activity, right? :+
Good afternoon ladies!

My workout scheduled for today is BM2#4+MMupper+LICabs.

Let's see, something personal about me....I was born, and raised in Alaska. I have lived in N.C. now for 22 years.:)

Hope everyone has a great day!

Hi guys! I love reading the little personal tidbits about y'all.

I was born in Ft. Knox, KY and spent my childhood as an army brat moving all around the world. My original career goal was to be an opera singer (no kidding) and I started college as a music (voice)
major...... I still trying to figure out how the he** I ended up being a nurse!


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