Rhythmic step


I just bought Rhythmic step and it was very challenging. I was wondering who else has tried it and your opinion on it. I had to use a 4 inch step because for one I am fairly new to Cathe and also her moves are very confusing. I made it through the whole hour, but not one inch of my clothes were dry. I use a heart monitor and it said my average was 160. is that good? I really liked the workout and I was surprised I was able to finish the whole workout. The first section I really liked and it was fun and not too hard. The second section is where I started getting confused. By the time we got to the last part, the step challenge, I had forgot most of the first parts. I thought of just doing the first and second parts and maybe finishing up in maybe 45 minutes instead of an hour. Would I be short changing myself?
Would love any opinions on this workout.
It's just that you're still learning the moves. Just keep practicing and you'll have it down in no time. (It usually takes me 5-10 times with a new Cathe step tape).
Hi Fitgirl

I agree I found Rhythmic Step very challenging I tried it once and then put it in the cupboard for ages. And then I read some posts here about it and decided I would do it twice a week for 4 weeks.

I mastered the tape and now I love it. It took me a while to get the moves and keep up with Cathe and the crew. I oftened ended up on the wrong side or using the wrong leg I still can't get the last movement on the 3 section.

Now I can do the whole tape (the beginning I find really works you legs) sometimes if I want to save time I skip the last section and just do the challenge.

My favourite sections is the first and the challenge at the end.

I recommend that you stick with.

I'm very new to step & have found this tape to just totally rock! It's requires a lot of concentration which I like & I sweat like a pig! I don't want to go into a workout & just jump around in a "zone." In order to learn it & be able to get it down, I've decided to break it down into "segments" and keep rewinding to the beginning until I have that segment down. I'll do that for an hour -- once I "master" that segment, I'll add another the next time I use the tape. I'm currently using it for one of my cardio days during the 12 week tank top rotation challenge.

"You have within you more resources of energy than have ever been tapped, more talent than has ever been exploited, more strength than has ever been tested, and more to give than you have ever given". John Gardner
Hi Gettingfit,
Thanks for the reply about Rhythmic step. That is an awesome idea about rewinding the tape until you get it right and doing that for what the length of the video would be. Thanks for writing about that, I might try that.

I think it is a great tape. I cant beleive how fast the time goes by. I like the complicated step patterns. I have been doing step for over 10 years and it takes a lot to keep me from getting bored. This tape is my current favorite.
I love RS too, it was my first step tape. I'm still learning things on it. I get excited about doing it! Whoo hooo Rhythmic Step!

By the way Gettingfit, I love that quote on the bottom of your posts, I printed it out and taped it on my computer monitor at work for inspiration a few months ago.

I love this workout! It moves along fast and good. I like that it seems to be a steady state cardio and doesn't require lots of power moves. I like that the stretching isn't too long. Like the music too. Don't like too much breaking down like other videos...because after awhile that gets stale. This workout rocks but I don't do it early in the morning though!
And Michelle.......160 BPM is good. Don't even really have to know your age to tell you that one!!! Keep it up!!

VERY shortly, I will be tackling RS...

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