Revial Soy users?



I am in the midst of reading Christiane Northrup's book THE WISDOM OF MENOPAUSE, and in it she mentions and advocates the use of a soy product called Revival soy. Has anyone had any experience with this product? Thank you in advance. This is a great place.

No, sorry I can't help you on the soy question but was curious about Christine's book. My daughter saw the Oprah show when she was on promoting the book. My daughter called to say it sounded very good and recommended it to me. Just curious about your thoughts. THANKS!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
I have been using Revival Soy for the past year. I do know that before using it I had fibroid tumors. The OBGYN suggested a hysterectomy. I am only 38 and did not see this as an alternative. I did a search about this sort of thing and came up with the Revival website. I started taking it once a day and Six weeks later I had no sign of any tumors, my periods are regular. I still have PMS but not as bad. This is excellent for a womans health. I went back to my OBGYN and he was amazed. I told him what I was taking and he said to keep on taking it if I am seeing these kind of results and asked me where other women in his practice could go on the internet to find out about this product themselves. THIS STUFF WORKS!!

Kim, what is the address for the Revival website? I've been interested in this for a while too. Thanks, Lisa.
Hi, Deb!

First of all, Nothrup's book is FACINATING! I first saw her on a show about diet and hormonal health. She has a balanced and holistic view about diet that I found refreshing. She is I believe an OBGYN. Anyway, I would highly reccomend her book. I also found a set of audio tapes at Costo ( like a Sams Club) where she outlines her views on Diet and Menopause.

I am in my early 40's and am not really experiencing menopausal symtoms aside from a longer cycle...sigh, but I know that with all the controversy surrounding HRT that it would be good for me to feed my body with two things in mind:1. I am an athlete, just like many of the woman on this forum. and 2. I have essentially 10 yrs. or less to help my body through this transition through diet, exercise, and education. I figure this bood is a good place to start.
Thanks DMD!

I'll put that book on my wish list. It helps to know all we can. I am doing just fine also and will hit 50 this year. Other then my mid section getting thicker, I count my real symptoms YET. Thanks for getting back to me.

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!

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