Results with two cardio sessions per day


Active Member
Hi Everyone,

I was just curious if anyone has tried an intense rotation using two cardio sessions per day to maximize loss of body fat, and if so, what were your results? I am thinking of starting next week since summer is right around the corner! The sessions I would probably try would be running for 30 minutes each morning, and then doing a CTX video in the evening, or any Cathe cardio for 30 minutes.

Any advice/suggestions?


The short answer is: no, I have never tried it and no, I never would. ;-)

The long answer is:

I don't know from this what your regular routine consists of, and whether your body can handle running 30 minutes EVERY DAY, but I think you would be better off making that second workout a weight training session, rather than more cardio. and here are the reasons:

1) variety. Running is very hard on the joints and your body does not need a high impact, high intensity Cathe tape later on that day after this. It's too much impact. And injury could be right around the corner.

2) cross train. Even if you really want to run everyday because running is a fabulous calorie burner, I would want to mix up the cardio activities a little to prevent burn out, prevent injury and boredom. Your running can be better and way more powerful if you do it only 4 or 5 times per week and substitute other cardio activities of different intensities on the other days (kickbox is one idea and swimming would be my other suggestion, because it strengthens muscle around the knee that running cannot and which can lead to injury and a break from running if left undeveloped)

3) muscle up! Weight loss will be promoted more, not by adding a second cardio session, but by pumping up the muscle. Lean muscle tissue burns way more calories to maintain itself that other tissue, so if you weight train you will speed that weight loss much faster. You will also be able to develop areas of the body that running cannot target, including muscles of the lower body, and a more powerful body leads to more powerful running workouts.

Please believe me that in my 37th year of life, after listening to Aquajock, I commited to weight training and the results have been fabulous: I am trimmer, much more compact, I have better shape, a more balanced look between the upper and lower body, more energy even when resting, more strength, and much more power to channel into my explosive cardio workouts. I seriously believe a commitment to weight training will shed those pounds for you and take you way beyond this, in fact. It will transform your physique!

The solution to a healthier body is not more cardio, you already do enough.

CLare :)
2 summers ago, I really wanted to get in shape before college started. I had a lot of free time (my job stopped by Aug) so I decided to do 2 cardios on some days- probably totaling 7-8 cardios a week, plus my usual weights.

Honestly, I didn't notice much of a difference. Any weight I might have lost was regained. I don't think 2 cardios a day is safe or practical. So, no, I didn't have any miraculous changes. It's not worth it, in my opinion.

If you want to change the shape of your body, I think you'd have better results keeping your cardio around 4-5 days a week (if you eat ok, you don't need tons of cardio) and really focus on getting some solid weight training in. If you can commit an hour a day most days of the week, that's plenty to see results. Again, this is just what I've learned from experience, trainers, and reading articles. More is not always better!
Thank you so much Clare for your wise advice.

I actually got this idea out of this month's issue of Muscle and Fitness Hers which suggests doing two cardio sessions a day, just for 30 days, to lose a 10 pounds quickly. However, I neglected to think about the injury aspect of this type of training. As for weight training, I was planning to add one body part a day in addition to the evening cardio to tone up my muscles as well. My usual program consists of 3-4 cardio sessions per week, plus at least 2 days of weight training (all Cathe). I think the reason I haven't been getting the results I was after is because my eating has not been the cleanest. So I am going to reconsider doing cardio twice, and instead I may just do cardio in the morning (a variety), and weight traning at night, and pay better attention to my eating habits.

Thanks again!:)
Just curious what you all think of this. Typically I do a cardio tape 3x a week, maybe IM, a step tape and Cardio & weights then I would say I walk at a good pace at least 4-5 times a week for 30-50 minutes. Is this too much cardio? I thought since the type and impacts were different it would be ok and frankly I have been walking because the weather has been fabulous. I feel good and don't feel any overtraining going on... but maybe I am doing too much? Any thoughts?

Are you doing any other strength training besides Cardio & Weights? I don't feel you're doing too much cardio however I would incorporate more strength. Such as maybe walk for 20-30mn then do 30mn of weights. If you're seeing results and feeling good then you're not overtraining. You may see quicker results though if you add in more weight work! Susan
I also walk 40 minutes most days in addition to my cardio or weight workout. I have that luxury of time! I would never try to do two intense cardios in one day however. Walking has helped me slowly shed about 5 additional pounds and very surprisingly has greatly reduced the appearance of cellulite on the back of my thighs. I don't think adding the walk has been harmful in any way, just increased my overall endurance.
AmyP - I vote with the others. Instead of an extra cardio session go for weights! I think you'll be amazed at the result.

Remember though, your body must have time to recover. It is during recovery that your muscles grow an push out that fat. Not during workouts! It is after the workouts that matter most which is also why diet is so important!

Maybe you could check out the hussman site at I have learned sooooo much from him!
AmyP - I vote with the others. Instead of an extra cardio session go for weights! I think you'll be amazed at the result.

Remember though, your body must have time to recover. It is during recovery that your muscles grow an push out that fat. Not during workouts! It is after the workouts that matter most which is also why diet is so important!

Maybe you could check out the hussman site at I have learned sooooo much from him!
I read that article in Muscle and Fitness Hers also and it said to be sure NOT to do this routine more than 6 to 8 weeks?... because it can cause overtraining and injury.

I agree with one cardio session & one weight session.
A last word from me on this subject...

in answer to all the ladies who add walking to their Cathe cardio program....

Why the hell not?!?!? I mean, if you enjoy the being outdoors and seeing the big open sky and putting yourself into the environment, into the bigger picture and seeing that you are a person in the world, a part of it all, and there is a whole world out there more expansive than the weight room and the closetedness we sometimes restrict ourselves to with Cathe Cardio only, then DO IT!!!

My perspective on this would be, that the Cathe cardio is for the heart rate and the endurance, the walk is for the pure thrill of being alive and enjoying some fresh air in the Spring.

Dont necessarily do the walk because you feel you should or you have to or you need more cardio of which you all already get enough: but do it because it is so darn pleasurable!!!! And so I would invite my friends and family along too, and turn it more into a social and a Spring love-fest!


I agree with Clare on this. While on do do 2 cardio sessions somedays, I usually go in with the attitude that one session is to kick a@#!! and one session is for pure fun. I will make myself lower the intensity of the second one no matter what.

However, I do not think it is too much to run for 30 min and then do a Cathe cardio for 30 min. EVERY DAY, yes. I often do double cardio, but it is varied..I rollerblade, hike, my body never takes the constant pounding of one exercise.

I have the M&F that has this article and I admit I thought it seemed kinda extreme. If I kept up that pace, I for sure would end up overtraining. Usually I will do double cardios for a few days in a row, but then I end up taking an extra day off, so I guess it is all the same. I say use running, Cathe cardio and one other very low impact cardio to accomplish the M&F routine. I would do no more than two interval workouts a week with that schedule...
Hey, why would you really want to lose 10lbs in a month anyway..too fast..

I agree, I do my tapes, but I have to get outside for a walk in the evening. This has nothing to do with fat loss and everything to do with fresh air.
I just need to get outside if the weather is decent. I also try to bike or walk for transportation.
I doubled up my cardio sessions before last summer and lost a dress size in 4 weeks.

I'd also recommend against doing 2 INTENSE cardio sessions in a day -I'd do one challenging one and one moderate one.

I alternated running 4-6 miles with strength tapes 6X per week and did an additional 30-40 minutes on my NordicTrac about 2 hours after dinner.

After 4 weeks I didn't have the desire or energy to continue such a strenuous routine.

I started this double cardio routine again last week, but have skipped a few days because of scheduling conflicts, but I intend to stick to it for a month to shakeup my routine.
Wouldn't it burn more fat if you combined workouts into 1 longer workout than 2 short ones? I've heard you only begin burning fat after 20 minutes of exercise. Seems you'd only burn 20 total minutes of fat with the 2 short sessions, but 40 minutes of fat with the long session.

To be easier on your body, you could do an hour cardio in the morning, then another hour in the afternoon(to get an extra workout in)
Or, do an hour of cardio or wts in the morning, then an hour of cardio or wts in the afternoon(mix these to avoid overuse injury)
I TOTALLY agree on the walking topic too. I LOVE to walk with my family in the evenings and weekends. HOwever, I don't really consider it true cardio??? Do you guys? If so, that is good I guess. I guess it is exercise and I have noticed a difference in my legs slimming down when doing more walking in the summer months.

Also, do you guys think it is too much to do a true intense cardio session in the morning and then hop on the treadmill in the evening (20 min. max)? I just got a treadmill and am so torn between the step aerobics and running. I want to start running but don't want to give up Cathe or my killer step classes at the gym. I am thinking of a couple days a week adding in a 20 min. run to start!

Also, the thing we can't forget is that you burn fat not only during the cardio workout but the following 24-48 hours afterward. Also, I think all of our bodies are different on how many minutes is premium fat burning. I am doing BFL which limits you to only 20 min of cardio 3 days a week. For me, I just can't do only 20 minutes mentally. Plus physically I just can't believe that is all I need. I know for me 30-40 minimum is key. Sometimes I really do question though what the addtl. time above and beyond 40 minutes does for you other than burn addtl. calories? Which is Bill Phillip's whole philosophy in that you can reap the same benefits the 24-48 hours afterwards with HIGH intensity 20 minutes versus 40 minutes moderate. He argues that too much cardio only ruins all your hard work in strength training.

So on days when I know I am not hitting my super HIGH intensity moments I always bump up the time hoping the duration will have the same effect doing 40 min. versus 20 minutes of intense???

What do you guys think??? I just think it is all sooooo confusing!
I think it's great to add variety by including running to your cardio workouts. I just started running on the treadmill too and I can't believe how sore I get from that! Especially the sides of my hips. Those muscles really work when you run. I haven't been that sore in a long time!

Now I alternate Cathe, running & taking classes at the gym & Pilates too. It's really nice to have such variety.

Step aerobics is great and works your leg muscles good, but running hits different muscle groups. At least this is my experience.


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