Results for beginners



My buddies are lifting with me 3x a week in the a.m., and we're doing our own cardio at home on at least 3 other days. I've been lifting (with Cathe) since MIS came out, so I'm kind of seen as the coach. Right now, with Cathe's advice, we're endurance training until the end of June with MIS, PH, and CTX weight sections, hitting each body part twice a week. In July I hope to move to a PS rotation, followed by 4 weeks of S&H, then start over with endurance. My question is for my one friend who is a complete newbie to strength training: how long until results are seen? I don't know what her diet is like, but I do know that she's walking on the treadmill at home and I've encouraged her to add in intervals once a week. She is probably about 5'5" and 180-190 lbs. (I'm totally guessing). She knows you can't undo 13 years of inactivity in 1 week, but then again I'd love to have some answers and encouragment for her, too. Thanks for any stories, input, or encouragment I can pass on to her. CinDee
I'm speaking from personal experience here, but when I was an absolute newbie (didn't know my biceps from my triceps) I started with the FIRM and saw and felt a difference in about 2 weeks.

Your friend has a lot more to lose than I did when I started. However, because she is a newbie, I think your friend will probably see some fast results (especially with an experienced coach such as yourself - lucky her!) as far as muscle tone. I would say in less than a month she will definitely see and feel a difference (i.e, feeling stronger).

My experience is that people who are brand new to exercise see results more quickly than people who are seasoned exercisers and trying to "reach the next level" so-to-speak.

Is she walking on the treadmill in ADDITION to your 3 cardio sessions? If not, she may get bigger in the beginning which may discourage her, so she should be informed of the muscle building process, that she may be building muscle faster than losing fat.

How fun to exercise in a group, especially with knowledgeable people.

"Pain is weakness leaving the body."
Thanks for replying. We only strength train together on M-W-F. We're on our own for cardio the rest of the week. I'm pretty sure the treadmill is it for cardio. I'll be sure to relay what you've written...personal experiences seem to encourage more than theory! My other buddy (once in shape, now out of shape but not overweight) is already increasing weight after only 2 weeks for lower body work! Cathe works! CinDee

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