Rest Days + Age??


I saw the poll asking how many rest days you guys take. Most people only take 1 rest day. I'm sorry to admit I take 3-4 rest days! I never really considered them "rest" days, but I guess they are.

I'm 24 and was wondering if you exercise more or less as you've grown older? I always hear that your metabolism slows at 25 and definately at age 30. I used to exercise more in college but there was more pressure to fit into tiny tops than be healthy. For whatever reason, I just don't workout as much as I should.

Thanks for any opinions!
I am 45 (and a half after yesterday :eek: ) and I take 1 rest day, 2 if I'm super busy, 0 if I'm feeling up to it. That being said, I don't think there is a definitive answer to your question. Some people get more and more into fitness activity, get successful at it, build up their muscles, energy, tendons, etc and take less and less rest days as they get older. Some marginally fit people get into their late 30s or 40s and start having joint issues and take more rest days.

Injuries also happen. Some people lose interest. I think most people who post here take fewer rest days as the years go by, but I don't think that speaks for America as a whole.

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