Relaxin & Soreness

Hi there...

I'm 10 weeks into my second pregnancy. It is difficult for me to accurately compare my first to my second because a) my first was 6 years ago, and b)I did NO EXERCISE AT ALL during my first.

Anyway, I notice the relaxin effect MUCH MORE than I did in my first (I only felt it in my groin around the 8th month). I get extreme soreness in my hips (the upper part of my hip bones) and slightly in my lower back (lumbosacral area). I do notice the discomfort more the next morning after a workout, but I pretty much feel it anytime I get up from being seated or lying for a period of time. Seems like I'm always moaning and groaning! LOL!

My workouts have been fine, and I haven't noticed any remarkable difference in other joints/areas of my body (i.e., knees, ankles). I'm finally breaking out of that early-first trimester MAJOR fatigue that plagued me and getting back to a normal regime.

Just wondering if anyone noticed the effect of relaxin as strongly as I have.

Hi Michelle-
Oh yeah, Relaxin kicked me pretty quick for me too! I am in my first pregnancy and am at my 23rd week. I didn't notice any major soreness really, but my strength has decreased by at least 30% to this point. Where I have especially noticed the decrease is in the smaller joints and muscles, like my wrists, biceps, triceps, etc. My doctor said that isn't unusual!
You are probably noticing it more now than in your first pregnancy because you are more physically active and are much more in touch w/ your body.
I will be anxious to hear how the rest of this pregnancy/birthing experience goes as compared to your first pregnancy now that you are more fit.
Good luck,
Hi Lynn! Weeellllllllll, I AM more fit, but not by any great measure! LOL! I'm still way overweight, but I'm hoping (believing!) that my good, solid workotus, stretching, and yoga will pay off in a quicker labor & delivery, and a MUCH better recovery. My first labor/delivery was actually pretty smooth, but HEY, any improvement in that arena is appreciated! LOL!

I guess overall, it amazes me that I could sit on my butt for so long and not lift a finger. I remember I bought the Kathy Smith preg workout, and I did it two times! TWO TIMES in 9 months! Egads! No WONDER it has taken me SO long to get rid of all that excess. This time is SURE to be better. :eek:)

Good luck to you, too! And thanx for responding!
Yes. My second time is much more achey than my first - (m)

And my ob said it is because your body doesn't really completely 'knit' back the way it was before having children.

Plus - there is the added stress (in my case) of carrying my toddler (she is at a mom-velcro stage :) )

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