Relaxin/Muscle Cramps?


Stacey DeLapp

I am almost 29 weeks pregnant, and I have just started experiencing pains in my legs while working out. It starts at my quad, extends through my knee, down into my calf. It occurs in both legs, but I feel it more strongly in my right let. It feels almost like the beginning of a charlie horse, and I can't quite tell if it's a muscle cramp, or if it is just due to the relaxin loosening the joints in my legs. I am wondering if any of you experienced this, if you discovered the cause, and if anything helped to alleviate it. It happens mainly when I am doing power movements--even simple things like yesterday when I ran a short distance to my car. Sometimes walking up a slight incline at a fast pace will do it as well. I was thinking about adding additional calcium to my diet to see if that alleviates the problem...?

Any info would be appreciated!

Hi Stacey!

Just happened to come across this question while looking for something. Sorry we didn't get to your question. How are you feeling now? Are you still experiencing these pains?

You are getting so close now and must be getting very excited. Just thought that I would let you know that I was thinking about you
Thanks, Cathe

Thank you for responding to my post. Just 6 weeks left, unless I can be as lucky as you! I am really hoping to miss out on the last few weeks of pregnancy this time around! I have an almost 3 yo boy who is my world, and baby #2 is supposed to be a girl, so we're extremely excited and very ready for her to join our family.

My leg pains have gotten quite a bit better by adding an additional calcium supplement to my diet. Every now and then I will experience them, but not too often (mainly walking up the stairs), but not as extreme as before. I am still working out on a 6" board, and feel safe doing it. I am sticking to the same 3 step tapes as it is a lot easier for my body to do something that is familiar right now. I am alternating them with speed walks and stationary cycling as well as some leg and arm toning one-two times per week.

Your tapes have helped me to stay in such wonderful shape throughout my entire pregnancy. People are always amazed at my energy level, and that I am so far along because I'm not showing much yet. I felt as if I had a good pregnancy with Connor, but it was nothing compared to this one. I don't really feel like I've lost much of my fitness ability since being pregnant thanks to your tapes and your wonderful website educating me on what is and is not safe. Thank you.

I can't wait to really challenge myself with your new tapes as soon as my body is up for it!

I enjoyed your picture (what a beautiful boy he is!) and your post about your precious baby boy. It's so amazing how fast they grow. I can't believe I'm on #2 already. It seems like just yesterday that I brought Connor home from the hospital.

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