Recumbant Bikes--Quick Question


I recently switched from a traditional stationary bike to a recumbant. I'm having a bit of trouble determining how far to have the seat back---should my leg be fully extended when the pedal is farthest away from me? When I set the seat to that position, my bum seems to shift away from the back of the seat and my leg feels to extended out too far. I'm reluctant to move the seat in a notch because I have heard that this could cause knee troubles. Any advice would be appreciated!! Thanks, suzanne
Suzanne, I'm not familiar with recumbent bikes but can tell you that you don't want your hips shifting when you pedal. You want a slight bend at the knee when a leg is at the "bottom" of the pedal stroke to protect the knees & the hips.

You may have a tough time getting a perfect fit on any type of stationary bike because the adjustments are in steps instead of continuous.

Since you've had knee problems, be sure you increase time on the bike gradually. Cyclists also get "runners knee" where the knee doesn't track properly. Try & include some floor work that hits the inner & outer thigh to keep those knees tracking correctly.

On my semi-recumbent bike, My leg exrends almost fully but not quite. However my back does stay on the back rest. (Not leanig totally on it but grazing it). I don't feel any shifting.

I hope you enjoy your new bike. I really enjoy interval workouts on it.

May God always grant you a sunbeam to warm you... a moonbeam to charm you...& a sheltering angel, so nothing can harm you :)

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