Recipe exchange?

I was wondering if there was a place/site we could post recipes/exchange recipes on? I know many of you talk about clean eating and I'm sure we could all benefit to share great recipes! Any clue???

Have a great day!

Dennielle :9
I am totally with you on this one. Cathe mentioned that there would soon be a form added for recipes. I have posted sevral recipes at I have not noticed anyone else really posting though and of course I would love some new ideas. I am not sure exactly when the new forum will be added but I am anxious for it and hope that everyone will start sharing ideas. Also, someone told me about a place at and they have a nutrition forum where some recipes are posted. Anyways, hope this helps. If you learn anything new pass it on to me.
Cool! I'm all up for it! I have a ton of recipes, but would like to change them up a bit to be lower in fat, carbs, etc. I just got married a year ago and I still can't get the gist of what to buy at the grocery store, planning meals, etc. We can all help each other!

This couldn't have come at a better time. I am thinking about what to make for dinner tonight that is going to be quick. First thing is pasta. Boooo! How bad is pasta for you anyway. I am assuming wheat pasta is a little better but the taste is so blah. Any good substitutes for pasta. I just seem to crave it all the time. Well either pasta or bread. At least I am doing better about the ice cream.

I love pasta and bread! Maybe that's my problem...

I'm starting to work on portions also. The plate of spaghetti I used to have is now cut in half. Go figure, I'm still full!

What would be some good substitues for pasta and bread? I crave them sometimes!!!

Working on the brand new me!

Dennielle ;-)
I am not sure about the pasta and bread. I found a place advertised in a fitness magazine that sold hi-protein/low-carb pasta. However, when I searched for it I was not able to find it. Maybe someone else knows something about it. I do not crave that stuff as much as I do sweets which can get you in trouble as well!!! I think like you said portions play a really big role in it all.

I think this is a fantastic idea ! :9 I was just thinking the same thing the other day when I was looking through the forums.


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