Rebounder workout


Cathe - have you ever considered doing a workout video for the rebounder? I have adapted some of your hi/lo workouts to the rebounder and it works pretty well. I have bad ankles (tendonitis) and can't do too much high impact, but I love the fun factor of hi/lo. Just a suggestion. Thanks, Julia
I also would love a rebounder workout. Hey, the rebounders that are in our attic, getting all dusty, can come out to play.

I followed Tracey Long, in one of her efforts for a rebounder workout, and just loved it. But, unfortunately my body surpast that and needed more of a challenge.

Please consider making an advanced workout, using the rebounder.

Great idea.

The bosu, too. I know there is a myriad of equipment out there, but both rebounders and bosus seem to be growing in popularity. Unfortunately, there aren't enough workouts available for them yet IMO!
Another vote for a rebounder workout. Many of the high impact moves you do in CK and CC could be adapted to that surface. As can moves that are impractical on the floor, like sprints!

It's a good way of providing an intense yet more-knee-friendly workout.

I can just see a Bootcamp-type workout with rebounder drills (even if you don't want to go totally rebounder, a background exerciser could show modifications for moves on the rebounder: some--like jacks-- would be the same move, just on the different surface, while others might be somewhat modified to fit the constraints of the rebounder).

Before one of the series (Intensity Series??), SNM did a poll to see what kind of equipment people had and/or were willing to get. How about an updated poll, SNM, to see what kind of equipment we have and could use?
I adapt most of your drills to the rebounder. So many of us use the rebounder for your cardio. I think you'd have a winner.
A great way to incorporate low impact cardio with high intensity! I just know Cathe would kick this into a whole other level that current instructors cannot touch!

Please Cathe???

this idea has been brought up every now and then, and i always back it up is a great idea!!!!!!!!!
I also teach rebounding and really like it - the cardio is unbeatable and it's easy in your joints. A rebounding dvd would be great!
I too would love a rebounder workout. I did a live rebounder class when I was on vacation and it was amazingly difficult but so joint friendly.
Please consider a rebounder workout! I have one and only one workout for it. I have been trying to do some of your high impact on it!! I know you would develope a great workout! Please consider....
I have knee problems and am not able to do some of your workouts as often as I would like. So any rebounder or more low impact would be appreciated.
Thank you,

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