Really good aerobic shoes


Active Member
Does anyone out there know of really good aerobics shoes with good support? I used to be able to find really good high top Nikes just for step that seemed to have lots of support. I don't have the best arches, and I seem to be really prone to shin splints. To help these problems, I have to buy really good shoes with good support in the arches and the ankles. It seems like they just don't make really good shoes anymore, though. I haven't had much luck with cross-trainers because they don't give enough cushioning. I would love to know if there is even a catalog that has lots of different aerobics shoes in it because many of the athletic shoe stores don't keep aerobics shoes in stock. If anyone can help, I would appreciate it.

P.S. I am new to this website, and I think I'm addicted. My husband is getting mad at me because I am always reading all of your comments :)


I use Ryka's E.T. Evolutions. They have extra padding where the balls of your feet are. They are great for stepping. I bought mine at Ladyfoot Locker. Do you have one in your area? They tend to carry a lot of aerobic shoes. If possible it's best to try on different shoes. My Ryka's are a size 9. I wear a size 8 1/2 in everything else. Some of the other high end shoes also felt uncomfortable.

You may want to check the search engine here. That's what I did when I was looking for new shoes. That can give you an idea of what the best shoe is in each brand. I had a lot of trouble doing a search when I clicked the "archives". It would not pull anything up. But try hitting the 1 year. That should pull up a lot of the old threads.

Also, if you don't already know go to:
Check out their forum and search engine for more info on shoes. Although, if you think this forum is addictive...
thanks cindy

Hi Cindy,
Thanks for the suggestion. I think I have seen that particular shoe at my Lady Footlocker, but I have never had a pair of Rykas, and I have always wondered how they are. I do like it when they have extra padding in the balls of the feet. Maybe I'll go in and try them out. I'll check the other sites you mentioned, too. Thanks.

Hi Emily!

I, too, will suggest to run a search since we have had many questions regarding this topic. If after reading the past threads, you have still not found your answer, then post back again and I'll be happy to help.

To run the search, click on the flashlight icon at the top of the page. Then type in the key words: GOOD SUPPORT SHOES Then click on ALL for which forum and click on ALL for which field, and finally click on 1 YEAR for how many days. Disregard the archive option and hit SEARCH NOW. A whole bunch of threads should load for you. Happy searching!
I like Rykas

When I developed shin splints I was wearing Nikes. Then I switched to Rykas and I still sometime have problems but not as bad as when I wore Nikes. I have a pair of crosstrainers and running shoes. I tried the aerobics shoes but I didn't think they had as much support and cushioning as the crosstrainers and the running shoes. As a matter of fact I have been using the running shoes for step because there is so much cushioning in the forefoot. Ryka has a website if you want to check it out.
thanks cathe

Thanks so much for responding. I am new to the website and to your videos, and I couldn't be happier. Your videos remind me of step classes I used to take at my favorite gym, until I moved to a different state. Until now, I've been trying to get a decent workout on the stairmaster, etc., but nothing compares to good old step. Thank you for your motivating tapes and for this website. Thanks for referring me to the other threads. I think I'm going to try some Rykas. They seem to be pretty popular. Take care. Say hello to your cute little boy!
I like Ryka's too

Hi Emily,
I have to agree with Cindy and Susan. I'm on my second pair of Ryka aerobic shoes and I love them. I too have to get a 1/2 to whole size larger than I usually wear. I also use aerobic socks that have extra padding on the ball of your foot and that was a big help. Before that I was having alot of pain in the arches of my feet. My doctor even thought I had a stress fracture at one point, but luckily I didn't. I also used ankle supports and pulled them a little higher up on my heel and that helped alot. I got mine at a store called Just For Feet and they had a good selection of aerobic shoes.Good luck.
I had Nikes too..

And loved them! It was almost like Nike used my foot to form the shoe. Emily, I had the Air Zoom Velocity. It was one of the best high top aerobic shoes I ever owned. Loved it so much that I bought a second pair, knowing that it would soon be replaced with new I wish I had bought a dozen

I just found a new Reebok that resembles my old Nikes so much, I have to do a happy dance evertime I put them on
. They are called Magnetic DMX. I tried on the popular Rykas while at Sports Authority but found the toe box a little big for me. If you have the same problem, hunt down the Reeboks and give them a try. They are new on the market, so you should run into them somewhere. Happy Shopping

Hi Nancy

I have a pair of Reeboks that one of my old aerobics teachers ordered for me from an instructor's shoe catalog. We had the same sized feet, so she could order two pairs for herself, and I would buy one from her. I'm not sure which model I have, but I have liked them. It's just time for a new pair, and I haven't been able to find them in the store. Another issue is the money! My husband and I are newlyweds and he will be starting law school in the fall. Buying new shoes every few months just isn't as easy as it was when I was single. I want to find something that will be sturdy enough to last. Thanks for the suggestions, everyone. I think it's time to take a trip to the mall to try shoes on.
How to stretch them;O)

A lot of folks use those Spenco inserts when they feel the bounce has left their shoe and they want to make them last longer...might be a help when budgets are tight down the road.
Congrats on the marriage and school, best of luck with both

Great Shoes!!

My vote is for Ryka shoes too. If you do water aerobics they make the best shoe for that that I have ever found. You may have to order from the company though because they are hard to find.
Hi Nancy

I went to Lady Foot Locker and tried on a couple of Rykas as well as the Reebok DMX. The Reeboks seemed like they had more support than the Rykas. My foot felt like it was flopping around in the evolutions. I didn't buy any yet because I want to test them out more, but I did like the DMX.
Hi Em

You are smart to keep trying on shoes to find the perfect fit...they are so important.
I have had my new reeboks about 2 weeks now and they seem to be working out great for me. The true test for me is lateral movements. I can't stand when my foot moves in the shoe...I'll do side to side lunges and shuffles right in the store! LOL
You will know when you find the right Cinderella and the glass slipper

Hi Nancy

I do the same thing in stores. Everyone probably thinks I'm crazy. I guess it's worth it though. Hey I just read your info and that's great that your boss lets you use the office after hours. Well, talk to you later.

I have those Reebok DMX's

and I love them! They have plenty of cushioning, don't fit too tight on my wide foot, and offer plenty of support! It's like walking on little bags of air or something...they're great!

Thanks for the suggestion, Renae

I think I'm going to go out and get them as soon as I get paid next week :). Hey, I like the picture of you and your husband. I am 24, also, and just got married a few months ago. How is it living in Japan? Well, anyway, I don't want to take up space on this forum. Talk to you later.

Ryka Evolution ETS

Hi Emily

I recently purchased a pair of Evolution ETS runners and they are fabulous. They have to be one of the best pairs of aerobic shoes I have ever had. They do fit a bit smaller than other shoes though and they recommend to order a 1/2 size bigger. I usually wear a size 10 and they did not make a 10 1/2 so I ordered an 11. With an extra pair of socks on, they are perfect. has them but because I live in Canada, I had to find a Canadian supplier to buy them from to avoid the exchange and duty. It took me a while but I found a place.

Hi Emily!

Thanks! Japan in interesting, to say the least....but we are ready to come home (we'll be moving back to the states in September).

I've been married for 3 years! Yes, I got married young! But I love it and I married a great guy!

Anyway, hope you enjoy those shoes!

I bought shoes!

Hi Nancy and everyone else,

I bought the Reebok DMX shoes. They felt the best on my foot, so I hope they treat me right. It was the last pair in my size in the store, so I grabbed them. Thanks for the advice.


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