Reality TV - Rockstar, anyone?


I see that a few posts deal with the latest reality TV, so I thought I'd get everyone's take on this seasons Rockstar.

From last nights' performances, my favorite was Toby. (His song and with Storm.) After seeing him with Supernova last week, I can really see him fitting into this band. I like pretty much everyone that is left, but I have a hard time visualizing the others as the lead singer in front of Gilby, Tommy and Jason. Magni would be my second choice.

What does everyone else think? Who's going home tonight? My vote would be for Lukas to go, but I think it will be Storm.

SPOILERS, dont read if you haven't seen the show yet!!

I actually thought Storm would go. Wow, I was really suprised. I did not care for Ryan's performances. I loved Toby last night and was glad he got the encore. Initially I liked Dilana, but am growing tired of her. Lucas-blahhhhhhhh!!

I can see Toby, Magni or Dilana winning

Hi Catherine,

You're so right, I thought it would be Storm, too. Did you see the look on Supernova's faces when the crowd booed (sp) them for getting rid of Ryan? I really think he went just because he'd been in the bottom before, and the girls hadn't. I must say, I couldn't see Ryan as their lead singer but I much prefer his performances to Storm's each week. I think many people watch the show to see him, and they could lose some viewers over this one.

My hope is that Toby wins it or Magni. Like you said, Dilana is getting tiresome and I wouldn't pay to go hear her sing I don't think. Toby and Magni get the fans engaged every time.

So what do you think, is next week a double elimination? With only 2 weeks left, and five singers?

>>I can see Toby, Magni or Dilana winning

I agree. I actually liked Ryan a lot, though he isn't the best choice for their band. I hope he has a successful solo career.

I was hoping Storm would go last night. I liked her at the beginning, but now she really bugs me. All her weird body movements, being "tough" by picking up's overkill.

Lucas has grown on me a little bit - he's not quite as cocky as he was in the beginning. I always liked Dilana, but her attitude is getting to me.

Toby and Magni would be good choices, though it would be neat if a female wins...

I was sooo glad when Zaida (sp?) finally left. I can't believe she stuck around for as long as she did. I didn't care for Pam either. I liked Patrice, but not enough to win. The final people that are there are definitely the best of the group.
Omg I was hoping someone else was wondering why Zaida stayed so long LOL - i couldnt even understand half the words when she sang.

i think Toby Dilana OR Lucas would all be great in the band...anyone planning on going to see them on tour? I see you can buy tics already. :)
I was kind of glad Ryan went but was hoping it would be Storm. I think she butchered her song "Bring Me to Life" and I haven't really been impressed with anything she's done. I thought Toby sounded great with Storm and on his song. I'm not fond of Lucas. Did you see the look on Gilby's (really all the guy's) faces when Ryan started climbing up on the speakers? They seemed to be thinking "Not this again." And I felt bad for Dilana when she forgot the words of her song. I hope that either Toby or Magni wins. If it's between the women I hope it's Dilana.
One more thing: Is Dave Navaro (sp?) starting to get on your nerves or is it just me?

I love this show!!

I think everyone left is awesome! But right for the band .. would have to say Toby, Magni, or Lucas (as much as he erks me) .. I think as much as I love her voice and her singing .. Dilana carries too much female emotional baggage/behavior for three men to put up with.

Storm was the best I have seen her last night .. singing Helter Skeltor ... but I don't think she is right for the band. she could easily do a solo career ..

Ryan as much as I love to look at him .. and hear him (except for last night's performance) .. I think he was almost too clean cut for those guys .. not tough enough .. his eyes are too soulfull (and gorgeous) .. but I can see him doing a solo career ..

I am pulling for Toby or Magni .. both gorgoes .. both great personalities .. both great at getting the crowd up and started .. I think Toby is edging just out in front of Magni for my vote though ..b/c of his personality!!:*
I have read on a gossip web site (that I now can't remember, maybe Dlisted) that the winner will be Lukas. Not sure if it's true or not. We shall see.
I think Zaida stayed just because they wanted to see what outfit she was going to wear. I too thought Storm was going to go last night. I have usually liked her but this week I didn't care for her. I still like Dilana but I think Lukas might win. Next week might be another double elimination. Last year there were only 3 left on the last show. I actually liked last year's show better. I like the songs better and I thought the singers were better too. I did like Supernova's new song though.

My favorite is Magni. Has been from day 1. Dilana is my second fave, but I just doubt they'll choose a female. I think Lukas is a huge darkhorse and wouldn't be surprised if he won.

My husband's favorite is Toby and while he has stage presence and charisma, I just don't care for his voice. But he's a wonderful performer. His "Rebel Yell" performance was awesome!

But I do love this show!!
Another Rockstar fan here:) I was lovin' Dilana at first (like an edgier Stevie Nicks) but tired of her drama, tantrum and trash talking others, I love Talking Heads 'Psycho Killer' but didn't care for her version. I was surprised that Ryan went home too, he didn't do Baba O'Reilly justice but he's definitely evolved through the course of the show. I can't stand Lucas (even though he's Canadian too), he seems like such a poser and I don't love his looks Toby is very easy to look at and is evolving too. Magni has a nice edge to him and is confident without being cocky. I really can't see a female leading the band, Supernova is already a major testosterone zone, why mess with it?

Take Care
I guess I am the only one who likes Dilana. I think her actions the last few weeks are VERY "rock star" like. Tamtrums, dramatics, inciting the press.- I could definatly see her with the band- I definately think she's the most talented. If not her, I'd pick Toby. My DH thinks its going to be Toby and Magni as the final two. Lucas urkes(spelling?) me- big time!!!! I think he's arrogant and cocky and I don't think he's got as much talent as the others. I'm confused why hes still in the running.
I don't think the winner has been picked yet- its a reality show and I think the last show is live-(I could be wrong)
How many of you would have said Dilana if she hadn't messed up so bad I wonder? I think she really is the most talented. Her song last night wasn't the greatest but she really knows how to work it and all her other songs have been so solid. I loved Mother, Mother the other night. Don't forget these shows only show what they want and they needed some drama with Dilana because she was heads above the rest. Like Tommy said all of them make mistakes}( . Her voice is so smokey, raspy. I love her look too, very cool.

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