"Real" New Millenium Goals & A Big Thanks to All of You!!!


Dorothy's thread, and your responses, on "Positive Comments" are so inspiring that I wondered if you would be willing to share your goals for the coming year. As Lex suggested, we shouldn't burden ourselves with "resolutions," but, in the spirit of Dorothy's idea

what are you looking foward to accomplishing, fitness or otherwise in 2001 (since we are the educated crowd we know the millenium starts next week!)?

I have so appreciated reading about your fitness achievements, but your personal strength is the real story here. In the year since I discovered this forum you folks have made me laugh, cry, feel motivated, awestruck, eager to share things about health and exercise that unfortunately, not many other people appreciate, and on and on.

Thank all of you so much for your inspiration, courage, no-nonsense attitude, recipes (it's a conspiracy I tell you - Cathe pays people to post fattening, irresistble recipes on the forums), glimpses into your lives and the priceless advice of the "educated crowd."

My goal for 2001 is to achieve a level of flexibility that is equal to my levels of cardio and strength.

Best wishes to all of you for a very healthy, happy 2001.

My goals for the new year:

To become healthy and fit by losing 70lbs and to be as organized as Martha Stewart so, I can find more time to work on the health goal.

I like making a goal for the year it gives me something to look forward to.

I plan to keep a detailed exercise and food diary, which I have never done before. I have already set up rotations for the entire year with added alternative rotations. Do I have too much time on my hands? LOL!! I need to lose another 10 or 15 pounds (have already lost about 38 pounds). This time I have been exercising consistently for a year and have gained strength and endurance. I want to gain flexibility. I have not put too much emphasis on flexibility so hopefully by this time next year I will be able to put my leg behind my head.....NOT! I just want to gain as much flexibility as my stiff body will allow. And last but not least, my goal is to....ORDER MORE VIDEOS!!!!!

Thanks for asking!!!


Your goal to keep an exercise journal is a good one. Last year I did the same. I bought a calendar book that is in the month-at-a-glance format. This is where I keep track. I put a star on the days that I really worked up a good sweat and kept it up for an hour or more. I found that I exercised more regularly this way. It was hard to let more than 2 NOTHING days slip by!

My Goal for 2001---

1.) Eat more of a variety of vegetables, trying to lower intake of carbohydrates such as potatoes and pasta.

2.) In addition to regular karate, cardio and strength training, make up my own yoga routine that lasts about 20 minutes, and do it 4 days a week.
I was just thinking about my goals last night, so I'm glad I saw this thread today!! I have a few goals, some fitness related some not. As some of you may have read, I've started to take yoga very seriouly latley and I plan to keep it up.

My 2001 goals are:
1) To increase my knowledge and practice of yoga therefore;
2) To increase my knowledge and practice of my own spiritual side of myself.
3) To keep up my quest for getting in good enough shape to compete in a fitness/ bodybuilding contest.
4)To build muscle mass.
5)To strive to be the best mother to my children and be more understanding of their changes and needs as they enter their teenage years(well, 2 of them anyway. My baby is still only 8)
6)To quit smoking.

Well, that's what I decided last night. Godd luck to everyone! And Happy New Year!!

2001 Goals

Great thread. I love reading others' goals and thinking about how they could improve my own! I have two primary fitness-related goals:

1) Work out 5 days a week. This one is definitely doable, since it was my modified goal from last year. (Last year I wanted to do 6 days/week, but about 3 months into it I realized that trying to fit in 6 days was just stressing me out and I wasn't ENJOYING my workouts anymore.)

2) Incorporate yoga and flexibility into my routine -- since I'm about as flexible as a piece of wood.

Good luck to all in achieving their goals!

Lucy K
Let's see, although I generally dislike the idea of resolutions, I do always have long term goals in the back of my head to inspire me. In general, my current ones are:

1.) get solid A's in school so I can apply and get accepted to USC for Fall 2002.

2.) continue working towards ridding myself of asthma

3.) increase lean muscle mass and overall strength

4.) increase lung capacity

5.) decrease body fat a bit more

6.) maintain high level of flexibility

7.) continue nutritional guidelines of dairy-free, wheat-free and low or no-sugar.

I'm sure there are more, but that's what's in my mind right now.

Happy New Year everyone!
A hint for you to quit smoking...

....GET THE PATCHES!!!!!! I smoked like a chimney for 15 years, and very addicted to it. I had to count the number of cigarettes I had to get through the night, and hated it when I went somewhere that didn't allow smoking. That's all I thought about. I put a patch on Sept. 1, 1992, and haven't touched a ciggie since. Not once. It was the easiest thing I've ever done.

They are a miracle as far as I'm concerned.
RE: A hint for you to quit smoking...

Thanks HB!!! My 8 year old has been saying the same thing to me. Everytime a commerical comes on she says "That's what you need mom!" Just a quick question, Are they costly? I know, I know, I wasting my money on cigerettes right now, but i was just wondering.
When I quit in 1992.....

....one month's worth of patches cost about $96.00, and at that time you could still find generic cigarettes for $1.50 a pack. I KNOW the price of ciggies has gone up a lot, so I don't imagine the patches would run you more than your cigarettes do. Also, you can buy the patches over the counter...I had to get a prescription.

Honestly, they REALLY work! Just be sure you don't sneak a smoke while you're wearing one, 'cause you can get sick. That was a real incentive for me not to cheat. You will notice a difference in your lung capacity within 3 days! If they work on me, they can work on anybody. JUST DO IT!!!!!!!!!!
I was thinking of goals when I wrote positive comments, because in 2000 I made the goal to keep working out through the whole year, and managed to accomplish that, with the planned breaks after 8 weeks rotations.

For 2001, I really need to work on cleaning up my diet more. Daily exercise has helped this area greatly, because I just seem to not eat as much, but I need to eat more healthy carbs(fruits and veggies) and reduce the garbage. I can't seem to go on a "diet", so I don't, but I hope to try and change just this, and improve my everyday diet.

RE: When I quit in 1992.....

Thanks HB!!! I'm going shopping tonight with my husband and kids. I will check them out then. I think I would like to do the step down patches. BTW, I know that this is none of my business, but I've worked really hard on getting in shape and keeping weight off, was there a weight gain for you when you first quit? Or did the patches help with that too? If it's none of my business, just tell me.


RE: When I quit in 1992.....

Thanks HB!!! I'm going shopping tonight with my husband and kids. I will check them out then. I think I would like to do the step down patches. BTW, I know that this is none of my business, but I've worked really hard on getting in shape and keeping weight off, was there a weight gain for you when you first quit? Or did the patches help with that too? If it's none of my business, just tell me.


This was in my pre-Cathe days....

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Dec-29-00 AT 04:02PM (Est)[/font][p].....when all I did was some walking, and limited weights. I had lousy eating habits, and I DID gain weight. I did not cut back the amount of candy I ate, which was all the time, and a LOT. I had all around bad eating habits at that time, so it's no wonder. I gained about 10-15 lbs which I finally took off when Susan Powter arrived on the scene. Then I had a plan to follow which was count your fat grams and EXERCISE!!!!!

Bottome line.....watch what you eat more carefully, and keep up your exercise and you should be fine. You already have good habits, just be extra careful.

Keep us posted!!! You will find that your worst problem will be the smoking "habit," meaning you are hooked on lighting up when you have that after dinner coffee in a restaurant, or when you pick up a phone. The patches will take care of the nicotine cravings. Just remember....YOU'LL GET SICK IF YOU SMOKE WHILE YOU WEAR THE PATCHES, SO DON'T DO IT!!!!!!!!

Sissy, if I can do it, ANYONE can! We're here to cheer you on. Go for it!!!

Keep us posted. :D :D

PS: a tip....I weighted 135lbs. when I quit smoking, and the doctor started me on the 14mg. patches. Don't get the highest powered ones, which at the time were 21 mg. I did 14mg. patches for 4 weeks, and 7 mg. for two weeks. That was it.

I know you're fairly small, so you certainly don't want to get the highest strength ones out there.
For Janet

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Dec-30-00 AT 00:19AM (Est)[/font][p]I'm just working my way through this thread you started but didn't want to forget your flexibility goal. I recently read Paula Newby-Fraser's book on training (she's a successful Ironman competitor). She wrote that she never was committed to her flexibility training until she considered it as important as her strength & cardio workouts & scheduled it just as she did her other training. When she did devote time to it, she discovered it not only helped her recovery & risk of injury but that it enhanced her performance because her range of motion was improved significantly. This struck home with me because flexibilty work has been more of a post-workout ritual than a workout in my routine. I'm trying to adopt Paula's approach.

Wow - many of us are working on flexibility. Maybe because the results are less tangible than cardio & strength training. Really isn't it a lot easier to say I'm using a 35# barbell than I went an extra 1/4 inch past my toes, or my plank didn't sag today?

Honeybunch - once again you've given some no nonsense advice.

What to work on this year....

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Dec-30-00 AT 09:47AM (Est)[/font][p].....for me in the exercise category, I want to jump rope and use my Airdyne more.

Personally, I want to do more of what is hard for me to do, stuff I resist. Volunteer to help out when I'd rather sink into the background....stuff like that. Where I work I have a lot of good examples to follow, a lot of what I call "resident angels." I got a gratitude journal for Xmas, which is something I'd seen on Oprah, and I intend to use it. I'm grateful for this web site, these forums and you forumites!!!!!! And our own Cathe!!!!!
Great Thread Janet!

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Dec-30-00 AT 01:39PM (Est)[/font][p]You said it all sooo well. I have truly enjoyed getting to know everyone this past year also, not just their accomplishments, but also the struggles that they are working to overcome. It puts life more in perspective knowing that none of us are perfect but that we strive to be healthy.

Hmmm, my goals for 2001???

1.Work on "cleaning-up" my diet. (I have learned so much about healthier eating here w/o all that dieting!!)
2.Adding Flexibilty into my routine (something I NEVER take the time for)
3.Being happy & thankful for the body I have. (I've come a long waaaays this year on my thinking in that department, thanks to you all!:D)
4.Last, but not least, to get thru all the scissors in IMAX!!! Whew, what an interval!:-tired

Thanks to you all for sharing with me and encouraging me this past year and I look forward to getting to know you even better in 2001! HAPPY NEW YEAR's MY FITNESS BUDDIES!!!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)

This may sound VERY sappy, but here goes....

I found focusing on the journey is so much easier than claiming an end result, because then I just get down on myself if I slip up...

I promise myself I will this year:

Be kind to myself and forgive my mistakes;
Actively try to help at least one person one day of every week feel good about themselves;
Try really hard not to eat things that make me unhealthy and feel sick;
Continue to work hard at being a fit and healthy person, and continue to be committed to my workouts;
Not beat myself up when I falter but rather jump back on the path with new vigor; and

Be truly grateful for all my blessings and not focus so much on what I don't have or wish I could have, while still working hard every day in a reasonable way to better myself.
What a great thread!

I don't usually write my goals down so I think doing so right here in front of all of you should help me, here goes...

In 2001, I hope to:

1) Clean up my eating...this is always my biggest and most challenging task. I consider it a work in progress. I am very aware of proper nutrition but to always comply...well, I just have to take that one day at a time.

2) To NOT overdo it with my workouts and (gasp :eek:) take rest days when I feel I need them.
I used to take little rest periods for at least 3-4 consecutive days every month before we moved to Alaska since we took such frequent road trips (during which I did no formal workouts). I think this was my saving grace. Once we move again (yep, we're moving AGAIN, but don't know where yet) I hope this will take care of itself.
But until then I will try to listen to my body so I don't poop out :-tired before I turn 30 :) !!

3) To keep making strides in my fitness level and as always to lose some body fat (the ongoing battle x().

4) Despite how well I do on #3, to try to learn some body acceptance which will probably help me overall with all of this :D !!!

That's it. Wishing a great 2001 to all my friends here at the Cathe forums.

Lisa - can I copy yours?

Lisa's goals are the exact same as mine! My eating stinks, I probably overtrain, need to lose body fat and need to learn some body acceptance!! If I can move closer to any of these goals, I would be very happy!
I also want to be a better runner and learn to jump rope!
Happy New Year!!

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