Ready for spring/summer rotation?

Hi Kathy,
I'm going to try this rotation to see if it helps me lose some fat. My problem area is my lower body (thighs in particular). I have a lot of muscle, but too much fat covering them,so I'm not incorporting a lot of strength training. I'm hoping this will help me blast away pounds.

Mon- Imax Extreme plus ab work
Tues- KPC + HSTA cardio only premix
Wed- Gauntlet + HSTA lower body and cardio premix
Thurs-Cardio Kicks + Cardio only of CTX kickbox + Ab work
Fri-MIC plus ab work
Sat-ME plus 30-40 minutes of cardio(maybe tae bo)
Sun- rest

hi Kathy . During the december month I have done the august 2004 rotation and it has helped me to slim down my legs and butt.

#1409, "August Rotation"
Mon Aug-02-04 01:29 PM by Cathe Friedrich

The August rotation will focus on burning body fat and shaping the legs and glutes. Of course in the process we cannot ignore the upper body and core so a couple of workouts will be included to keep those muscles inspired as well. Enjoy!


Mon….Legs and Glutes then run 20 minutes
Tues….Imax One
Wed….Muscle Endurance
Thurs…PS Legs and Abs and run 20 minutes
Fri……Cardio and Weights
Sat……CTX Kickbox (cardio only)plus the stability ball segment of PUB


Mon…..Pyramid Lower Body plus 30 minutes Basic step
Tues…..Pyramid upper body plus 20 minute run
Wed…..Pyramid Lower Body plus 200 walking lunges
Thurs….Imax 2 plus 10 minute ab hits
Fri…….HSTA plus 10 minute ab hits


Mon…...Legs and Glutes plus 20 minute run
Tues…..Cardio kicks plus 10 minutes ab hits
Wed……Slow & Heavy Legs only plus 200 walking lunges
Thurs….CTX upper body plus Body Fusion
Fri…….Legs and Glutes plus 10 minutes ab hits


Mon….Body Max
Tues….Pyramid Upper Body plus 30 minute basic step
Wed….Leaner Legs
Thurs…CTX Cardio of choice plus Pyramid lower body stability ball segment only
Fri……CTX cardio of choice plus 10 minutes of abs
Sat:……Leaner Legs followed by PLB stability ball segment only

Have Fun!

Mariángeles a spanish terminator junkie

:) :)

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