I have to chime in here again and say that upon preview I thought, "eh" also. Also, I did not care for the original Ripped. I gave the others a try because I found the 3 pack (Ripped, S&L, GRTTC) at TJ Maxx for $14.99 and GR1000 at Ross for $5.99. I'm so glad I did. There is something to be said for this mode of training. All I know is that I sweat, feel adequately worked, and get my heart rate up while getting a good weight workout. I feel like Jari's workouts are a good mix of traditional weight work with somewhat of a functional feel and a few balance moves thrown in there to boot. I have learned how to make the core work more difficult by adding weight or substituting the exercise(s). In a million years, I NEVER would have thought that I would joing the Jari Love bandwagon, but, alas, I have and I'm happy I did. I'm learning that I really like the variety. Oh, I also thought I would hate the basic cardio in GR1000, but it works for this workout and it is just enough to get the heart rate up but not too high so I can go right into the weight segment, keeping my heart rate up but again, just high enough. And I DO apologize, because when I find workouts I love, I DO tend to gush about them.