
I have read that deadlifts are amazing at rounding out the butt and building up hamstrings. But in one issue of Muscle Media they wrote that it has high shearing forces on the spine. What do you think?
I have been doing them without really feeling it in my butt until last night when I tried it with a 60 lb. barbell and it hit me " OH SO THAT'S WHAT IT"S SUPPOSED TO FEEL LIKE" All the while I was using half of that!
Now are quarter deadlifts for hams more than the butt? Would it be better to stand up straight if you want to hit the butt more? Any input would be highly appreciated in my quest for MASS!!!:9
Deadlifts can be very bad for the back if you aren't careful about form. NEVER round your back when doing them, as this puts a lot of strain on the ligaments and vertebrae of the back, rather than stressing the muscle. Keep your core strong and keep the natural lordosis (curve) in your lower back. I think quarter deadlifts put less force on the spine, especially if you are careful to keep the bar close to your legs. Just be sure when doing this exercise that you are in control all the time, especially when changing directions at the bottom, which seems to be where it's easy to want to round the back a bit.

I'm not sure, but I think any kind of deadlift works both hamstrings and glutes. If you stop short of the upper position, there would be less resistance on the glutes, but I don't see a reason for that.
LOVE LOVE deadlifts - It feels great on my hamstrings - like no other excercise. When I straighten up I really feel it working on my butt. I am pretty flexible so I go pretty low on the deadlifts. Just did PH and that's my favorite part!
Good article! I haven't read through all of it yet, but the photos show excellent form. I remember reading an article about back exercises in one of the fitness magazines (Oxygen?), and they both described and had photos of a deadlift. The description clearly stated one should NOT round the back. Guess what the photo showed? Yup, the exerciser was rounding her back! It was painful to look at! And she was a "fitness pro." Wonder how long she'll go without having some serious lower back problems?

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