Rate cardio tapes Step Jam, Step Heat, Step Max, Mega Step Blast


My first Cathe cardio tape was Imax and I've been hooked ever since. I really like Powermax, Stepworks, Stepfit, Bodymax and the CTX series. What do you think of Step Jam, Step Heat, Step Max, and Mega Step Blast? Are they as much fun as the newer cardio tapes? These are the only ones I don't have to complete my Cathe collection. I like intense stepping with lots of power moves and somewhat interesting choreography. I will probably buy them all to complete my collection, but just wanted some opions from fellow Cathe fans. I can't imagine not liking a Cathe video though.
I have had all 4 of those you mentioned, traded Step Heat and Mega Step Blast away. Step Jam is one of my all-time Cathe favorites! The choreography is lots of fun, the music is great. It also has a lot of power moves. I am always amazed when I come back to this tape after not doing it for a while, how intense it is! My heart rate soars the whole time. I don't know if you have a DVD player, but I know Step-N-Motion is probably going to release Cathe's earlier videos on a DVD-worth waiting for!
I love Step Jam also! It's just alot of fun, and the choreography is interesting. Of the others you've mentioned, I'd say the choreography is simpler. Step Heat is a bit shorter than Cathe's other videos, but I love it for that purpose, plus I love it that there's an ab routine at the end. Mega Step Blast and Step Max, even the though choreography is not as intricate as some of Cathe's other step tapes, I do them again and again just because of this. I sometimes need a step routine I dont have to think about at 5am!

I love Step Jam also! It's just alot of fun, and the choreography is interesting. Of the others you've mentioned, I'd say the choreography is simpler. Step Heat is a bit shorter than Cathe's other videos, but I love it for that purpose, plus I love it that there's an ab routine at the end. Mega Step Blast and Step Max, even the though choreography is not as intricate as some of Cathe's other step tapes, I do them again and again just because of this. I sometimes need a step routine I dont have to think about at 5am!

My vote goes for Mega Step Blast. I have all of Cathe's tapes except for the Wedding video. Started out with MIC, I-Max and Bodymax then back-tracked and got Mega, Step Heat, Step Max and Step Jam (something like you're doing now).

One thing to note: the pace is much slower in these older tapes. And, for the most part, the choreography is easier to learn.

Of all of these 4 older tapes, I find Mega the most worthwhile doing -- especially the final section. In fact, a few weeks ago I pulled out Mega after leaving it for several months on the shelf. I thought to myself "I'm in the mood for an "easy" one today.". Not so . . . I was a bucket of sweat at the end.

Step Heat I like but I have to intensify it. You know -- running onto the step instead of stepping up, and make certain segments higher impact.

Step Jam and Step Max I found a bit boring (sorry, guys!) -- I always feel somewhat dissatisfied after doing them -- like I didn't work out hard enough, ya know? Maybe I'll pull them off the shelves one of these days for variety. I tend to do StepWorks, Step Fit, and Powermax on my 1-hour step-only weekdays (I usually save IMax, MIC (in its entirety - hi-low/step) and Bodymax for the day after my rest day (Saturday) so I can have the energy, focus plus the extra time to do them.

Just wait until you get a look at Cathe on these older tapes. Boy, has she changed! Cute as a button and almost unrecognizable -- long hair, rounded cheeks, doe-eyes (reminds me a bit of Fred Savage's girlfriend on "The Wonder Years"). Words like "Grrr-oovy!" and "Get on it!" fall from her rose-bud lips. What a hoot! Plus her body was softer. Oh, don't get me wrong, she was in great shape, but looked like she had a bit of baby fat left. In other words, not the lean, mean, fighting machine she is today!


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