<---rain rain go away


<---says top of the morning catheites
<---was up at 5:30am w/ a boybster...whee.
<---wonders who else is up and at em
<---drinking my java of course
<---has a mom's club meeting this morning
<---hopes a boyberella will make it
<---says this thread is in session http://www.smileys.ws/smls/angry/00000044.gif

"you miss 100% of the shots you never take"

<---says mornin' debbie and catheland
<---just woke up a few mintues ago
<---says stupid school is closed
<---you say rain<---says ice ice get the hell out of here stop giving these kids more days off of school
<---is going to crawl back in bed for a little bit longer
<---is taking a rest day from exercise except for some yoga
<---hope ya'll have a good day


When they discover the center of the universe, a lot of people will be
disappointed to discover they are not it -- Bernard Bailey
<----waves good morning to all in CatheLand
<----is surprised school wasn't closed or delayed even though the weather outside is frightfulx(
<----is happily chugging coffee
<----is glad boybster slept a wee bit later today
<----hopes y'all have a great day

<--- good morning everyone!:)
<--- adds to Super Debbies title by saying "please DON'T come back another day."
<--- is sick of rain sleet snowy weather already.x(
<--- knows it's only just begun.:-(
<--- worked out chest and triceps this morning.
<--- did the elliptical thingee with arms and is having a hard time typing as arms are now wiped out.
<--- can still LIFT COFFEE CUP THOUGH!
<--- has priorities screwed or skewed or whatever. . . .
<---was up at 4:30
<---insomnia's back
<---pair that up with PMS then add full moon-induced psychosis
<---is just glad that weather isn't THAT bad
<---envies Rogue because she can lift so early in the morning:p
<---has to go get coffee

<---just got up.
<---waves sleepily at the Catheite biznitches.
<---wonders what Debbie does with a Boybs when he gets up that dang early!?
<---wonders how many cups of coffee Debbie has had since 4:30am!?!
<---thinks Debbie is probably BEYOND wired by now from caffeine!:eek:
<---hopes Kassia enjoys her rest day.
<---hopes Tammy is enjoying her coffee.
<---thinks Rogue's priorites are fine!;)
<---thinks that Pinky should get up with Boyb's at 4:30am since she has insomnia anyway and let the Debster get some sleep!:p
<---says a big HELLO to Judy!
<---says good morning everyone
<---just heard report on the morning news that oranges, bananas, walnuts, and chocolate have nutrients that make people feel good and elevate their mood
<---is making a gigantic fruit salad with oranges, bananas, and walnuts drizzled with chocolate to share with friends in Catheland
<---serves up the first dish to Pinky:* :)
<---told DH that <---need to buy a scanner. DH said he has a scanner at work so <---don't need to buy one. <---gave DH several pictures to scan 2 weeks and 2 days ago and he still has not had time to scan themx(
<---threatened to buy a scanner today.:eek:

<---waves good morning to all of you!
<---asks Rouge where she gets her energy to lift this early
<---is trying to find some
<---give Pinky a big hug and many Advil
<---ask Michelle to send some of that salad my way
<---say HEY Wendy, you've got me beat on the JAVA race today
<---must do some work before<---is without a job:+
<--- is LATE this morning:)
<--- had to shovel so couldn't get on here before leaving for work
<--- had a teary daughter this morning because it didn't snow enough for a snow day:(
<--- was feeling pretty close to tears herself
<--- is at work now, and things are good
<--- made Sophie laugh by doing a "Gilbert as a weatherman" impression
<--- is off to do some work but will be back soon!
<---goodmorning to all Cathe-up-early friends
<---is around kinda late today
<---can't seem to get motivated today
<---tells Wendy that coffee not even working
<---tells Shelley to send Sophie here - everything (except hospital)is closed or at least on delay
<---is hoping Michele's salad arrives in time for lunch
<---tells Judy our cats won't even look out the window in this weather
<---three cats spent all yesterday curled up on bed in warmest room and were ALMOST TOUCHING - unheard of in our kitty world
<---waves to kassia, Tammy and Rogue and any others out there
<---hopes Pinky's can't sleep-PMS-help-I'm-crazy feelings go away fast
<---heads back to work with Millie
<--Waves Hello to everyone
<--says Shelly's daughter can have her kids day off for them
<--DS spilled my coffee
<--pulled out carpet shampooer at 8AMx(
<--hopes it does not stain
<--will have to make more coffee
<--stomach is starving
<--need food and a big JAVA today
<--the heck with no caffeine
<--All this freezing rain ---- <--fill the blank in for yourself
<---Really needs food and Java
<--Waves BYE:+
<---feels fortunate that <---only got plain old rain last night.
<---is happy that the sun is coming out.
<---is going to check the temp as is considering walking with DS to run a couple of errands today instead of taking car.
<---thinks any little bits of extra exercise <---can squeeze in count!;)
<---finds it easier to deal with stroller than car seat anyway!
<---thinks the fresh air is good for DS (and self)too!
<---is outta here for now but will return later!:+
<---looks gray and drizzly today
<---will take Michele's fruit and chocolate concoction NOW:)
<---thanks everyone for hoping she'll cheer up
<---hopes so herself;-)
<---thinks Wendy's idea is great -- Boybie could wear her out so she could get some zzzzzz's
<---is now envisioning her and Debbie fast asleep on the floor while Super Aiden runs around unsupervised
<---now remembers that actually happened with Andrew
<---who woke her up to tell her his diaper was wet:p
<---tells Michele that scanners today are much cheaper than they ever were
<---thinks Michele should use you-know-who's charge card at Circuit City or Best Buy;-)
<---'s workouts have been suffering this week
<---if not asthma, it's stress, then insomnia
<---now thinks rotation is too ambitious for the season
<---thinks Shelley is so sweet for making Sophie smile
<---doesn't remember her mom ever doing something like that
<---it was always: "get over it" or "snap out of it"
<---wonders if that contributed to psychosis?
<---is thinking of Laura and hopes she went to see a doctor
<---should really get going

<---is having a very hard time getting excited about anything this morning
<---should be happy it's Friday
<---should be happy to be here in Catheland
<---would rather be in warm bed with covers over head
<---thinks of poor sleep deprived Debbie and Pinky and feels guilty, since <---had a great night's sleep
<---thinks maybe it's pre-Christmas let down?!!!?
<---hopes that everyone is ready to have an AWESOME weekend!
<---kids have a program at school today so <---must scoot
<---'s computer crashed last night
<---is now in garage using backup computer to talk to you babes
<---is FREEZING!!
<---has to type fast so that fingers don't get petrified
<---obviously has a serious addiction if <---is willing to sit in 26 degrees to be on this forum wearing a robe and slippers
<---thinks it is really just the way you guys make me laugh! :7
<---is addicted to you guys! :)
<---thought about it and agrees with Wendy on last night's email ;)
<---thanks Wendy
<---has to get warm hands now!
<---bids "auf viedersehen" to Shelley, Robin, Pinky, Jess, Wendy, Michele, Debbie, Elaine, Millie, Judy, Rogue, Tammy, Kassia and all who follow! Have an awesome weekend
<---wishes luck to the mom's with kids whose winter break who starts TODAY!!!

<---asks why it's so quiet today
<---bets you all want to come play
<---could anyone think of a new game?
<---decides to see if anyone else wants to play...
<--- tells Robin that she's actually trying to get filing done
<--- boss is also doing work standing at the counter behind her deskx(
<--- has to be a stealth poster this morning
<--- will be happy to leave here at 1
<---enough is enough
<---forget about the boss
<---guess everyone else is working too
<---has to entertain self
<--- thinks Robin sounds like she is in as good a mood as <---
<--- is crabby
<--- hates the Fridays when Sophie goes back to her Dad's
<--- wants to beat something up
<--- is eating too much
<--- does a little dance to entertain Robin
<--- tells everyone that the cookie book is done and if they want a copy they should e-mail her at [email protected]

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