Quick Select Premixes?


Hi all,

Can someone tell me what the 20 quick slect premixes on the blast dvds are. I have looked around the site but am a little confused about what this means. Currently deciding whether to order them or not! Thanks!

Below are links to the premix descriptions. I had to search the forum for the links. I couldn't find them posted on the web site either. The are quite cool!

Volume 1 http://www.cathe.com/tab_DVD5.htm
Volume 2 http://www.cathe.com/tab_DVD6.htm
Volume 3 http://www.cathe.com/tab_DVD7.htm

Edited to add: Premixes are really RE-mixes of the workouts. Sections of the workouts remixed in different order, or repeating sections, or omitting sections to focus on certain things. i.e. a premix of Step, Jump, Pump that doesn't include the weight work, so it's cardio only and shorter. HTH
Thanks for the breakdowns.

Do you know whether SNM did a similar breakdown for the Body Blast workouts themselves, and not just the premixes?


Hi Sandra,

The BB series workouts are chaptered so you can mix and match individual parts of them on your own. You can pretty much design your own workout.


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