Questions for runners



For those of you who do 2-3 runs a week, what type of runs and how long are they? And what Cathe cardios do you do?

Yesterday this is what I did:
5 minutes: warm-up from walking to 5 mph jog
10 3-minute cycles of the following:
1 min. 6 mph
1 min. 7-8 mph sprint (this was hard!)
1 min. recovery at 5 mph
5 minutes cool-down from 5 mph to walking

So this was a 40-minute interval workout. I am looking to kick my cardio into high gear to get rid of this pooch on my tummy from having 2 kids. I don't really need to lose weight, just tighten up the tummy. Do you think this treadmill workout was intense enough or should I try to kick it up a notch somehow?

I've been doing one interval run and one steady-state run (also about 40 min. with w.u. and c.d.) on my treadmill per week. I have to be very careful or I get knee problems, so I am hesitant to increase running to 3 days. I supplement this with 2 Cathe cardios - I try to do IMax 1x per week (when I'm brave enough) and then another video (I have them all!). This is about all I can fit in(4 cardios), with S&H or PS series thrown in too for weights.

I'd be interested in what other runners are doing both for running workouts and other cardio. I know I have to clean up my eating too but it is so hard!

I have been running for 16 years and keep to a pretty regular schedule, 1 day of intervals over 4 miles, 1 day easy run, 1 day long run, another day of tempo runs (1 mi slow, next mile faster, etc.). Mostly I train for better running performance but it keeps the body fat down too. During warm season I bike alot more miles and run less.

From what I know from experience and read, 4-5 days of cardio are needed to see a difference in overall body fat. Looks like you are doing the right thing.
Hi Candice,

Sounds like you've got quite a varied cardio program there. I remember reading something cathe posted about keeping a varied cardio program for fat loss, and changing it around every few weeks to challenge your metabolism. Sounds like that's what you're doing. But you're right, clean eating makes all the difference with regard to body fat. Especially fat around the tummy.

I run 5-6 days a week depending on what races I'm training for. It's my primary form of cardio. I don't really do cathe cardio tapes regulary. I do cardio kicks or Iamx once in a while because it's fun. But I'm doing an 18-week marathon basebuilding program right now where I'm running 5-6 days/week with 1-2 recovery/strength training days. So I'm currently not doing any cardio tapes. But my goal is not weight loss, it's improving performance. If you're goal is weight loss, than a varied cardio program is the way to go. As far as running, you definitely want to vary distance, speed and intensity. Like mars, I do easy runs, speedwork, long slow distance runs, hill repeats and tempo runs. I can't recommend distance to you because it depends on how long you've been running, and how much your knees can handle. Doing too much too soon is how you end up with overuse injuries, which can set you back for weeks or months. You need to be careful if you're alternating between running and high-impact aerobics. The program you described in your post sounds good, lots of variety. If your knees feel good after you're finished, than try to increase your mileage by 10% the following week. See how you feel. Keep a log so you can track exactly how much you are improving. If you feel pain, ease up a bit. You might want to invest in a good pair of running shoes as the wrong kind can cause or prolong injuries.

Can't answer treadmill-specific questions as I avoid them like the plague :) I always run outdoors. Treadmills bore me to tears. But what you described above sounds similar to speedwork programs and is excellent for improving endurance. Does your TM have an incline? Try throwing some inclines in there too.

Sorry this is so long! Sounds like you're doing great so far. Come join the running check-in I post on mondays and let us know how you are doing!

Have fun!


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